Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Clothesline season: My favorite time of year! Posted by Picasa

Monday, March 27, 2006

Yes-the baby is 'here'. In my belly.

Two more weeks to my due date but the pins and needles waiting game has already begun! We went away to visit some friends for one final hu-rah before we move and were gone Saturday and Sunday. We arrived home late last night (totally pooped) and I realized (in the nick of time) that my doctor's appointment was scheduled for TODAY, not my typical Tuesday, and early to boot. I barely had time to wake-up before heading back out the door.

When I got home from the doctor's, I had lots of messages on our machine wondering where I was, how I was, and what I was doing. Everyone thought I might have been at the hospital (which I was-but for no good reason.) Might I just say, THANKS A LOT ABBY! We had a WONDERFUL time at your place but your food was just too delicious! I knew you had it in for me, I just KNEW it! A six pound weight gain in one week is NOT normal at the end of pregnancy-and I was told so in no uncertain terms. Besides, chocolate cups filled with brownie, custard cream and raspberry syrup aren't exactly subtle!

Friday night my sister and I went to the mall. It has been SO long since I went to the mall! A friend lured us there, telling us animals would abound because it was the annual Farm show. INSIDE the mall. I must admit, I went mainly because I couldn't believe that they would allow farm animals into a mall until I saw it with my own eyes. But-there they were for all to see! And feel!

This week is going to be chock full of things to do. Here is my plan.

~Pack Hospital bag and bag for Corynn
~Lovebirds Photo Shoot
~Make address labels for birth announcements
~Address and stamp birth announcement envelopes
~Make the outer 'shell' of the birth announcements
~Rehem Matt's suit pants (for Baptism)
~Write a few notes to friends.
~Schedule dentist appointments for Matt and I
~Take our car in to get a recall fixed.

And now, I leave you with an abundance of pictures. Hopefully, freeing up camera space for a soon-coming little Panda.

Random Shots

Corynn's most requested hair style: what she calls her Princess Crown Posted by Picasa

Our Weekend Visit with Buffalonians...

Susannah was puckered up for a whole minute. I thought it was the cutest thing! I couldn't take my eyes off the darling girl the whole trip. It made me long to SEE Peanut more than ever. Thankfully, I won't have to wait much longer. Posted by Picasa

Big sister sharing the wealth... Posted by Picasa

The Three Tattooed Muskateers...or Stooges. Posted by Picasa

A Horse is a Horse, of course, of course. Pictures from the Farm Show

Livestock in the MALL! Not just miniature horses, but llamas, alpacas, ducks, rabbits, and calves. I know-I hardly believe it myself! Posted by Picasa

Can't say SHE doesn't know how to tell if a horse is a boy or a girl... Posted by Picasa

Girl with big brown eyes says to horse of like-eye color, "Hey! We MATCH!" Posted by Picasa

Mr. Brown Horse couldn't be any more enthusiastic about Corynn's kisses Posted by Picasa

My daughter has no regard for rules. She gets that from her father. Posted by Picasa

Mama and Daughter: Plump and Stoic Posted by Picasa

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Ignorance IS Bliss

My doctor's appointment on Monday went okay-basically because I was dumb at the time. The doc said I tested positive for Strep B, a bacteria that is harmful if the baby comes in contact with it. I didn't know anything about it, since I didn't HAVE it with Corynn. He was so nonchalant I just assumed it wasn't a big deal. Well, last night as I was packing a bookcase I came across one of my nursing books and like usual, wanted to read up on the goings-on. Well. I shouldn't have. Now I am freaking out.

Strep B is WAY more serious than I thought. There are two forms-early onset (that appears within hours of delivery) and late onset (that shows up within a week from delivery.) The early onset is most serious, even with IMMEDIATE treatment, 20% of all children DIE. It can cause gastrointestinal problems along with altering the functions of the heart, brain, spinal cord, and kidneys.

The late onset is less serious as many children SURVIVE. (What a relief.) BUT many often have neurological damage because the infection becomes meningitus.

Now-the book DID say, FORTUNATELY most children born with mothers with Strep B are not infected. And mothers who are given antibiotics before birth are nearly free and clear of concern. I am trying to focus on THAT but it is VERY hard, knowing what could POSSIBLY happen. I feel like I did something wrong and that if something DOES happen, it will be all my fault. I feel like I have put Peanut in jeopardy but don't know how I did it. I feel like I am totally responsible for this and I fear for my little guy.

I wish I wouldn't have even read up on it.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Nightly Tease and Heartfelt Ease

Just over two weeks left to go. Last night though, I thought my time had finally come. I had contractions all night long and couldn't sleep because of them from 3:00-5:30. I finally ended up falling asleep, secure in the knowledge I would be heading to the hospital this morning. I knew that the contractions were irregular so I didn't start rushing around-but I thought for sure they would BECOME regular and lead to the long-awaited introduction. Alas, 'twas not to be. This morning I woke up tired but not at all in labor. Bah humbug. I am left feeling even more impatient than before. It is as if I was THIS close. I know it will be soon but-how soon!?!? I pray fervently Fervently FERVENTLY that I don't go late. If ever I go early, I keep PRAYING it is with this one. It will leave me with more after-baby time with my family and will leave our families with more Peanut-loving time before we whisk off to Neverland. I really hope I go early. I told Matt at the end of last week, I am planning on Thursday being the 'big day'. And I know it will be, because I have SO much to do with it. :-)

I have started the enormous task of packing our things up. I have only done 8 boxes, though to have a number at all is rewarding. The fact is, you wouldn't guess it because I packed things that were hidden away in cupboards-my craft supplies, our stationary/office supplies, homeschool stuff for Corynn, and clothing for Peanut. Since we will be moving while he is only weeks old, I left only preemie and 0-3 month stuff out for us to use. No point keeping it all unpacked. It WAS hard though-packing away things that we JUST got from our shower, without having used them. Now I can't even LOOK at them. The project for today is to pack up some of the bookcases.

My pre-baby tasks have dwindled-some having been completed, some having been put off until after the move. I did finally finish Peanut's dresser, and though it won't be FILLED here since we have only 'essentials' left out (a spare drawer in Corynn's dresser), it is nice to have it complete and ready to be put to use when we get into our new place. I will post pictures very soon. The only things I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to get done before Peanut is to take our last 'pregnant' photo shoot with Matt and I and to work on the birth announcements (the non-informative parts.). Oh-and to pack our hospital bag and Corynn's overnight bag. This is especially important given last nights' taunt.

We are still at odds with those of us who do not want us to move away, namely EVERYONE. :-) While I understand the concerns of all, I am getting increasingly frustrated because frankly, I need ENCOURAGEMENT and ENTHUSIASM not cynicism and concern. I already HAVE tremendous concern. I don't need to be reminded-it is ever present on my mind! I am scared to death that I am not going to 'transition' well, moving away and unpacking with a newborn. I am scared to death that I am going to get some sort of post-partem depression and make my family suffer by my inabilities to cope. I need to be pushed to revel in the goodness and glory of the situation. I need to find FAITH and TRUST that the Lord has brought this opportunity about for His glory and honor and that by His grace, we will not only survive, but flourish. My focus must not be on the negative but needs to be turned to the deep thankfulness I SHOULD be feeling toward the Lord opening the doors to such a wonderful opportunity. How can I have the right attitude about this move-ever trusting in the Lord, while apologizing for what we are doing 'to' everyone else?!? It is a struggle on my mind and in my heart.

Thank you for all who commented so cheerfully on the house pictures. It really encouraged me in a way that I have missed out on. It helped me to be outwardly enthusiastic about SOMETHING about this move. :-) My attitude must change-for my sake, for Corynn's, but ESPECIALLY for Matt. The poor man has had to contend with more than his fair share of defending himself over something that should not need defending...providing for his family and pursuing his lifelong dream. The last thing HE needs right now is a moping wife who is wallowing in fear and self-pity. I need to be supportive. I need to be strong. For HIM.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Our new home. I think it is stately and regal in it's own quaint way. Posted by Picasa

The garage and 'parking lot' Posted by Picasa

Sorry it is fuzzy. This is the main entrance. Where Matt stands (behind the railing) are stairs leading to the billiard room/basement. Posted by Picasa

This is the living room. The same carpet extends all throughtout the house. To the right, just outside of the photo, is a bay window. I wasn't able to fit the window, the spindles AND the exposed beams into the shot so I had to pick and choose. Posted by Picasa

This is the living room bay window from OUTSIDE. Posted by Picasa

Matt just informed me this is a stinky shot. Well. This is the 'front yard' or part of it. Pretty large. I ran out of time to walk around the place but there is also a 'side yard' that it pretty large from what I gather. The road is beyond the right side of the photo. Posted by Picasa