Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Winter's Over

I am posting two posts in a day because frankly- I am ready to call winter QUITS.  Christmas trees and snows need to leave my to-do list and bright, vibrant flowers need to start filling up this space!!!

It's officially spring but it seems we are the only hill still still dappled with snow.  We drive to town for errands and I fight the urge to covet those barren earth yards.  Of course, there is enough mud present even here to start mud season.  My least favorite season of all. 

I've been stretching out of my hibernation den, going for walks and heading to parks, willing the weather to turn.  Pretending it feels like spring.  Still no signs of daffodils or crocuses but I heard (and then saw) the first red winged blackbird of the season on Sunday and quite a few chubby robins to boot.

It was a good ride and we had lots of fun...but hopefully, this is the last of the snow pictures for a few seasons!  

Her Second Noel

I've been so bad at blogging lately that I never even posted pictures of our Ineke on her second birthday...

days before CHRISTMAS.

But, therein lies the problem.

Back then I was scrambling to finish all the gifts that were supposed to have already been done.  I was preparing for guests and for going to parties.  I was eating fudge.  Too much fudge.

So here they are- because I can't really think 'SPRING!' if I am blogging pictures with Christmas trees in the background.

When she was a teensy one, I called Ineke my little sloth because she really slept most of the first few months of her life.  My mother was actually concerned with how much she slept.  So when I saw this little sloth at HobbyLobby (having a 40 % off coupon handy in my purse), I about died. 

I sewed some cute little clothes for it and sewed velcro to the hands and feet so it can be attached for a hug or a piggyback ride (or on her bed at night). 

When asked if what she wanted for her dessert she said "ICEWEEM".  The other children might have used a bit of coercion there, I can't be sure.  So she got a simple ice cream cake.  Simple is key a few days before Christmas. 

Ineke is the exact opposite of a sloth now- sometimes she just randomly runs around in circles over and over again.   Why does she do it?  I know not.  But when I look at the sloth, I remember that wee little baby that has already grown too big too soon.

I can't bear it to see her grow so quickly but it is how God made the world and I will marvel at it, even through the tears.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Wanna go to the movies?

I've been meaning to blog.  Really I have.  I haven't had the time or gumption to do so (getting schooling done each day is a full-time job these days and this crazy snow is killing my enthusiasm bigtime) but I really wanted to pop on quickly to share this information with anyone interested.  

Do you love watching nature programs but hate all the evolutionary gobbleygoop that goes along with it?  Well....this is for you!

I know it is costly to go to the movies-especially for larger families.  But if you have any extra cash laying around, this would be a wonderful opportunity to support Christian scientists and artists and educators in their pursuits to unapologetically declare Truth and glorify God in their work.

Matt and I usually reserve a portion of our tax return to "tithe" to Christian ministries and support organizations doing just that- something we couldn't ordinarily justify the expense for in our tight budget.  It's been fabulous.  A major win-win.

We decided pretty early on that taking the WHOLE family to the movies was going to be part of the way we used the tax "tithe".  So I called the box office to reserve tickets and the girl said "Oh- "these" sorts of films never are sold out.  I don't think you'll have any problem finding a seat."  

And then she laughed out loud.  

There may even have been a snort.

It was then that I made it my mission to spread the word of this film to all the Christian families I could think.

I just think it would be amazing if we could fill up these theaters and show these cinemas that there is a real desire for great Christian content.  And to show the Christian scientists and film makers that their efforts are not in vain. And by golly, we'll have an amazing time doing it!   

So.....who wants to go to the movies on Monday?!?!  

Check out the website to find your theater and reserve your seats!

(I am not paid to plug this.  It's just a downright good thing that should be shared!  Even if you can't go- tell your friends!  Let's work together to make this thing a success!   And the more silly Rebecca-style blog posts will be coming soon.  Don't give up on me.)