Friday, August 31, 2018

Sweet Sixteen

Sixteen years with my Mister. 

Some of it painful, most of it sweet... I am reminded often that marriage isn't always (or even often) the outworking of romantic love (though there IS an abundance of that) but truly a commitment to love one another through and despite the hard times, painful times, disagreements and stresses of faithfully working alongside one another and among our children every day. 

And that makes it so so SO much better.  So much richer.

We celebrated by using a gift certificate for a few burgers and brought them back and ate them by the water.  Then we borrowed Matt's parents kayaks and their lakefront to go kayaking together.  The children were being babysat just up the driveway but no one was the wiser that we were just down the hill, enjoying one another and the peaceful water at sunset.

There is no one else in the world I would rather spend my moments with, share my thoughts and heart to, cry tears and laugh laughs in front of, be furious at, ask forgiveness of, raise our children with or faithfully walk alongside ever single day of my life.

Here's to many more, Love.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Crafting On

I ***finally*** finished Adele's mermaid.  We won't mention it was supposed to be last years' Christmas gift.  No we won't.  And I won't be thinking about that fact that it is really about the time any wise woman would be working ahead on this years' Christmas gifts and not finishing up last years.  a-hem.

I enjoyed making her.  Adele enjoyed receiving her.  I was glad to use up so much of that crazy yarn for her mop of hair.  (It was A LOT!)  But I can tell you, I am in no rush for making ANOTHER mermaid after making two in a row.  

Even if that cutie patooti Ineke told me, clutching her tight, that she wants a "berbaid doe, doe bad" when Adele let her hold her.  Those sparkly crescent moon eyes can't even sway me this time, girlie.

Inspired by the echinacea and salvia and greens that are abundant in my garden right now, and a bit piney for little ones far away, I cast on for a Wee Sweet for a few wee sweets that has been on my mind.  Twin girls in need of lots of prayers, and so I do...pretty much constantly throughout my days (and nights).  I figured I might as well put those prayers into stitches while I am at it.  So another one is coming after this one is done.

Been reading: Howards End on the Landing in the evenings and just finished listening to the audiobook 7 Men.  I have so many books I want to get to RIGHT.NOW.  I hope I hurry up!

Monday, August 27, 2018

Field Trip: A Deer Farm


It is really Andrew's fault. 

When he gets his mind on something, he can't shake it.  He falls hard.  He becomes obsessed.  He can think of nothing else.  And it just so happens that we live right over the hill from a bonafide deer farm.  It was only a matter of time before deer were his new obsession and owning one (or two), his new dream.

Thankfully, the farmer is a pretty swell guy and entertains the notions and infatuations of a boy.  He welcomed Andrew to come whenever he wanted to and Andrew took him up on it.  Andrew has been visiting this farm since last fall, taking his little waterproof notebook with him each time.  And when the deer had babies this spring, he was as excited as a new Papa when each one came. 

It was Andrew that got us the 'in' for this field trip.  And we all loved every minute of it. 

Teeny little fawns that barely weigh two pounds is quite an adventure. So is my boy.