Saturday, January 01, 2022


On this dreary, gray and rainy 6th Day of Christmas, I am going to take down what is left of the crispy tree that stands in the living room.

I have been sweeping entire dustpans of needles up three times a day and still more fall!  

Christmas isn't over- but it is time to get this tree outta here.

What better time, on the day the tree comes down, to post pictures of it going up...

Trim the Tree is our traditional 'Snacks for Supper' Night.  It's a big deal.  And the one day I year I eat brie!  

It's also our first taste of Eggnog for the season.

Unless you have friends who buy you stuff on the sly like Corynn.
(a-hem, Millie.  Annie.  Susie. You're on the naughty list.)

Toasting the Light to Come

We got our tree up and our klompen out just in time for St. Nicholas.  

I didn't order (or make) chocolate letters this year which was sad but the Aldi Dutch foods section helped a girl out.  At least there were stroopwafels.

God took our toasting the Light very seriously.


I remember doing so many little crafty projects with my Biggles and Middles when they were young and realized I have done VERY few with my Littles.  

Pair that with being gone so often to help my extended family, I know we all covet quality time together.  

So I have been trying to be more intentional with these little people of mine.  Even if it just means gluing gemstones to green paper.   A little thing like that feels BIG right now.

So Gingerbread Decorating Day was HUUUUUUGE.

This face is hilarious to me.  

(Apparently it takes DAYS to make a single blog post.  Happy 8th Day of Christmas today- and Happy NEW YEAR!)