Friday, February 25, 2005

Baby and Chin Bashes

I have been pretty busy lately, getting ready for Elizabeth's baby shower. I want it to be special...first of all since we have had so many baby showers this past year, and secondly because it is such a joyous time given the struggles she has been through. It will be the most "uppity" shower I have ever been to anyway! Bob is coming as a "caterer" and fixing a whole ham and turkey breast for sandwiches. He is also making soups and some salads. I have never been to a catered baby shower before so it will be interesting! I am heading to the church right now, to get the bulletin's done and to drop off a crockpot and my roaster oven at Bob's house...he took the day off to prepare for tomorrow! I hope Elizabeth isn't disappointed in any way. I guess I will let you know how it turns out!
As I close, Corynn was standing on a Huggies Baby Wipe box full of blocks, watching as I typed when it slipped out from under her and her chin bashed on the corner of the keyboard drawer. Ouch!

1 comment:

  1. oh, how i wish i could be there tomorrow! i am so glad that C+C is pulling out all the stops, and Big Bob is lending his inarguable talent as chef of delectable dishes. i'm sure it will be a joyous feast and celebration of the life God has formed in Elizabeth. please give her my fond regards and tell her that her unpurchased (as of yet) gift will be sent as soon as i can use the car to pick it up! (which will occur as soon as john's schedule slows down a bit.) please post a follow-up so that i can vicariously attend the party!


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