Monday, April 25, 2005

The finished product...and two people happy to be rid of it! Posted by Hello


  1. It looks wonderful! Especially impressive is the fact that you guys made it without step-by-step instructions. Did your mom shriek joyfully when she saw it?

    Let it be know that I would like a full-size windmill for my next birthday. (You see, we'll likely be moving around that time, and I want a charming place to live.) I promise to shriek joyfully. :)

  2. Thanks Abby. My mom went berserk (sp?). I got a "real" photo of her reaction, but I have to get the developing done.
    So-I am wondering...where are you guys planning on moving TO exactly? And BTW, any place you will move to will be made charming by able hands!


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