Wednesday, April 06, 2005

This picture is for Abby, the idea snatcher. I took this picture today to prove that Matt is a lot of talk. The first thing we do when the weather is nice (Corynn and I, that is...) is free our feet. Matt joined in. Unfortunately, I was beat by the quick as a whip Abigail Owen who posted similar (and adorable) pictures. But at least I have proven a very important characteristic about Matt. When it comes to barefeet, deep down inside where he lives, he likes 'em. Posted by Hello


  1. I especially like your ethereal feet that appear to be shaking off their earthly form with the shoes. They must have misinterpreted their perfect happiness as a sign of having reached Heaven! (And now I state it. Great minds think alike, m'dear.)

  2. I LOVE this picture. SO sweet! Thanks for sharing!!


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