Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Currently Reading: The Big Book of Preserving the Harvest by Carol Costanbader

This is such a great book! I want to buy it in the worst way! I had seen it and told Matt I wanted it for my collection but hadn't gotten it. SO-last time I went to the library, I borrowed it and sure enough it exceeded all of my expectations...and I am only 10 pages into it. It is definately a resource I hope to get sometime. Maybe for Christmas or something...hint, hint Mattie!

Last night I cleaned out the freezer to make room for some freezer jam. I have had the strawberries but didn't have room to make any so I finally buckled down and did it. It was so much fun and VERY easy to make! I love the taste of Strawberry freezer jam and felt so accomplished to finally have made some myself! I made six 8-oz jars and I have enough strawberries to make probably two more jars worth. I hope to freeze some strawberries too. I do have to be somewhat picky as far as what I freeze since we only have a small freezer inside our fridge. When we get a home of our own, a seperate freezer is a must, especially when we can have a garden the size we would like it to be.
So-that's all I wanted to say. :-) Have a good day!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so muh for the glowing book reccomendation! My dh is very interested in learning to can/perserve (made his first jams last year) and I am always on the look out for books that can encourage him! We have a berry farm very close to us that also has peaches and apples. We pick lots (for real cheap) and dh loves doing stuff with them (if he can before we eat them all up!). :) I will see if our library has this book!!


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