Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Sweat and Tears......

Wow. Is it hot or what!?! It is 96 degrees and still climbing. I wish we had air-conditioning! Thankfully, I had to do a few things uptown so I got to spend some time in an air-conditioned store AND an air-conditioned car. I am kicking myself now that our downstairs is sooooo hot, since I gave one of our fans to my BIL for their home. I keep reminding myself though, that it is HOT over there too! How selfish I can be.

Corynn had a doctor's apt. today to get caught up on shots and get bloodwork done. Poor girl got jabbed five times. The bloodwork had to be done twice because she jerked. She screamed while it was happening but stopped shortly afterwards when the 'blood technician' gave her five sparkly 'stickers' (band-aids) to put on. She made out like a bandit, really. They felt so bad that she had ALL that done, they gave her two bracelets, a stuffed dog, and a lollipop. I think she made out pretty good.

I then went to Jo Ann Fabrics. Alpine Fleece was on sale and so I bought scads of it. I plan on 'copying' a cool thing I got as a baby gift. It is a mix between a blanket and a snowsuit for babies. It has a hat and legs-but the arms are blankets to wrap the baby in. It is hard to explain but OH SO CUTE. I loved mine! I hope to get a few made and put them on my soon-to-be website.

As soon as I finish writing this I am going to make blueberry lime jam. It sounds really good. If I like it, I will post the recipe tomorrow. I learned yesterday that you can indeed freeze yellow squash. Along the lines of canning, too, can anyone tell me what COMPOTE and CHUTNEY are? What do you eat them with? Is it a kind of relish or jam? Just curious. Holly (my SIL) made some delicious Rhubarb Compote. I didn't know what to use it for though, so I put some on fresh strawberries and put some on some vanilla ice cream. Those were good uses for it. Yum.

Tonight is softball. We are going to leave early so that Matt can mow the grass. While he does that, little Rynnie Roo and I will go swimming in the Owego pool. It is a great pool-and it is FREE, even better!

Stay cool!


  1. Rebecca,
    I posted my salsa recipe did you get it? It is so easy to make you will agree I am sure. Also I never made chutneys but I know they are usually used as a dip for appetizers or flat breads and things like that. That is what I have always eaten them with. A flat indian bread and breaded and fried vegetables and I just dipped them in the chutneys. You can probably do an online search and find recipes for them and what they are usually eaten with. enjoy!

  2. I couldn't find it Brenda. Where did you post it?

  3. Anonymous3:29 PM

    I noticed in the ad from Jo Anns that the fleece was on sale. I want to make a cover for the baby's car seat this winter so I can keep her nice and snuggly. I know I've seen patterns to make them I just need to go and look for one. I don't think they would be too hard to make.
    BTW, I am going to be posting pics of our school area early next week when we start school. I know I will have everything done by then and then I can take them all at once!
    Hope you are able to stay cool! ~Jen


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