This morning I woke up with a start at 5:30. I hopped in the shower, put on some make-up, headed downstairs and made a batch of chocolate chip cookies and had Mattie's breakfast on the table all before 6:30. He had some eggs-sunny side up, with sausage, toast with some of my strawberry jam, and some cheese. Don't let me fool you. I don't do this every morning. That is why I am proud of it. In the same respect, I am saddened because I DON'T do it every morning. (Granted-often Matt leaves for work at 2:30 or 3:00...but that is no excuse for days he goes to work a bit later.) I will be working very hard to continue doing these things for him. He works hard for me, so I should love him enough to send him off with a full stomach.
Yesterday we went to see Grandma and Grandpa Newman who had just returned from a 2 week vacation. It was good to see them. They brought Corynn back a shirt that says 'I love Canada' and she paraded around in it for a while. While Matt practicing some golf with his Dad, Corynn and I picked some huckleberries. Corynn picked them to eat-and I picked them for the family. Eventually, she tired of eating them and thus began filling up her container with gravel from the driveway. I picked not quite a quart. I have a feeling we will eat this whole batch fresh and I will pick more later to freeze.
I have been working tediously at trying to scrapbook photo's. I just dropped off SIX rolls of film so I want to have a good head start before I pick them up next week. My problem is that I skip to 'fun' pictures and so I have pictures from when we first got married that I haven't gotten into albums! I am working to finish my first album which covers 2002-2004 so that I can set it out on the coffee table for people to look at. I really want my photo albums to be accessible anytime people want to look. What's the point of having scrapbooks hidden away for no one to see?!?!?!
There is a flood watch today. The past three days it has been dark and overcast-but it really hasn't rained during the day. It is working out wonderfully well for me! I don't have to water the gardens (what a wonderful reprieve that is!) AND I can still hang clothes to dry on the line without competing with our landlady. You see, she doesn't hang things out unless there are ideal conditions. My clothes took longer to dry-but the breeze helped things along quite a bit. It is nice also, to been comfortably cool-a big change from the great heat and humidity of a few weeks ago!
This Saturday I hope to go out yard sale-ing. All these women finding great deals as got me salivating for some of my own. I haven't gone out nearly as much as any other year because I haven't had the car on weekends. It is necessary though,because as it stands, Corynn doesn't have any winter clothes to wear once the weather gets cooler save a few sweaters I bought for under $2.00 at Kauffmans at the end of the year last year. That is pretty much how I buy clothes. Anything under $5.00 is fair game in department stores and the rest is filled in by yard sales. I always buy a season or year in advance. This method has saved our family hundreds of dollars and Corynn always looks nice and is a good testimony (I think) of our care.
Well, I suppose that is all. Oh-one more thing! I got the rest of my garden in this know, the stuff I put a second planting in to extend the season. Everything is growing wonderfully well-and I think this second batch will too, considering the great rain we are getting! The hot peppers are absolutely HUGE (probably 4 or 5 inches long!) but I am waiting for them to turn red before I harvest them. The squash is already trying to take over the garden-but there are TONS of little guys hiding within the leaves. I haven't had to stake any of the tomato plants yet-their stalks are very strong! I still haven't put up the cuke fencing either-I have to do that soon. I have 'pruned' out some lettuce and given that to our bunnies-who are also growing wonderfully well. Foo Foo is almost twice the size he once was! I have a sneaking suspicion that he may be a Flemish Giant (which is the largest breed of rabbit!) Of course, the lady didn't tell me that when I bought him-not that that would have stopped me! Fibby is a rex and he will stay pretty small.
Well, I am off to enjoy the day-hey, this is nearly the time I wake UP each morning!
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