Monday, August 08, 2005

Here is just one of the four waterfalls. This one is huge, though it doesn't appear so in the photo. Matt and Corynn sit on the stone wall to the right. The water cascades down hundreds and hundreds of feet. It was so dry though, it didn't go anywhere and the bottom of the river floor was dry about 50 yards away from the water dropping point.Posted by Picasa


  1. Have you ever been to Letchworth State Park? It's about 15 minutes from Houghton College and this picture reminds me a lot of the waterfalls in Letchworth Gorge.

    This is breathtaking!

  2. Hahaha....that is where we camped! So you have been there before?!?!

  3. Rebecca
    This is a beautiful picture. Makes you feel so close to God when you see His natural beauty in creation around us.

  4. That's really funny! I thought its beauty looked strangely familiar....

    Letchworth Park was only a short drive from college and a great escape. I would usually go in the back entrance where there are trails (and no walls next to the cliff!) with a blanket and a book. I had a secret spot on the edge of the cliff where I'd read in the wind and quiet.

    A stupid thing I did at Letchworth...

    Some of my friends and I would sometimes swim in the river near the top of one of the main waterfalls until glowering park rangers caught us. One day, it was raining, and the current was stronger than usual. I wasn't thinking (big surprise) and lazily let the current carry me several yards until I realized "Wait! The waterfall is near! Save your life! Start swimming!"

    I am older and (a bit) wiser now.

    The End

  5. I just noticed the train trellis in the background. I think you took a picture of the very place we used to swim!

  6.'re one of THEM! A brave soul willing to resist authority and risk your life for the sake of a good soak. That is funny-only because you are still alive today to talk about it. I had to fight the temptation to do the very same thing, although, the water would have only reached my knees since it was so dry. Of course, I am the humdrum 'good girl' who longingly watches the brave souls tempt their fate.... Actually, if I would have had someone do it WITH me, I would have. I feed off of the strength of others...


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