Thursday, August 11, 2005

I wish I were a photographer...

Corynn woke up early this morning for who’s knows what reason but she didn’t fall back asleep. I thought, since today was pay day and so, it was grocery shopping day too, we would get a head start and leave early. Fat chance! We went to Walmart (because I needed to develop some film and to purchase some non-food items.) I noticed, before I left, that there were 5 pictures left on my camera which was PERFECT because the other day, on our way home from the camping trip-not FIVE minutes from our house was a field of sunflowers…ever since then, I have wanted to get over there and take some pictures. So-I grabbed this opportunity by the horns and headed on over. I love photography and wish I were good enough to do something with it. I hope to keep learning and getting better-and maybe something will come of it. Until then, I really enjoy taking nice pictures for the family and making cards from some also. It seems as though, when I look through the lens, you can see things so much more clearly-you focus on things you don’t normally take time to look at (like the grasshopper photo). I finished the roll and got the film developed and so I had to post just a few of the pictures I took.

I also went to the dollar store to get a journal for our little peanut. I want to keep a journal for all of our children…and I start one the day I find out I have a little one to write about. I write in it through the pregnancy-things that I am feeling, how the pregnancy is going, things that I am doing, hoping for, dreaming of, etc. Then, I continue on when the baby is born and I plan to write all the way until they get married…of course, by that time, I will only write sporatically and mainly on special occasions. I know I would have loved to read my mom’s thoughts about her pregnancy with me and how she felt as I was growing, and cute things that I did that are soon forgotten if not recorded some how. The cover of the journal has a picture of a Victorian lady holding a child. It is really pretty. While at the dollar store I noticed a whole new section called the ‘teacher’s corner”. It had all sorts of cool things like educational posters, decorations, stickers, charts, workbooks, etc! I thought it was funny because I was just talking to Jen about how and where she found inexpensive homeschool supplies and cool charts and stuff. Good timing I guess.

We still have to tell the church people we are pregnant (those who don’t read my blog…) but the parents now know. Both sets of parents were excited and I was so happy with their reactions. It made me feel good to know they were excited and not dreading it; there was a time when I thought the latter would be true. I know Matt won’t mind me saying this, but I am so pleased with his reaction to me being pregnant. He is the sweetest man I know-really and truly. He is so excited-I have seen moist eyes a few times. He even laid awake to talk about names (HIS IDEA-not mine!) one night! I wish every man would have the understanding of the beauty of a future life like he does. He puts me in awe-he is so different than any man I know. Even if no one else is excited for us several children (Lord willing) from now, seeing that look of love in his eyes when I tell him that I am carrying his child within me will be all I need to stand up to the world and shout “I am pregnant and I am GLAD, I don’t care what you think!”

I suppose that is all for now. I hope you like the pictures….


  1. Anonymous4:25 PM

    I know my brain is on overload now...I looked at your pics yesterday and I still did not get that you are pregnant! Must be MY pregnant brain not working well...LOL! But congratulations to you!!!! I am very happy for you! ~Jen

  2. Anonymous6:10 PM


    The pictures are beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing!

    Where is the Dollar store with the teacher's corner? I might just have to take a trip to get some things for John!

    I know just how you feel about the excitement, love, joy, etc. you see in your husbands eyes when you find out you are with child again. My sweet husband is the same way! I'm so thankful that God blessed us with husbands who love children! One of the ladies on CMOMB, maybe it was Christina, said that the longer you wait for your next child's arrival, the more you cherish that pregnancy/baby! Isn't it so true? Hope deferred makes the heart sick,
    But when the desire comes, it is a tree of life. Proverbs 13:12 Maybe that will be my "theme" verse until God chooses to bless us with another child! I'm going to put it in my signature at CMOMB right now!

    Anyway, CONGRATS once again to you and Matt for this precious life growing inside you! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!


  3. Jen~Don't wasn't just you. It went over quite a few peoples' heads-pregnant or not! :-) Now I get to sport a cute belly-just like you!

    Leah-The dollar store was the one in the Walmart looks like it will be a new section and will get resupplied often. I got two poster- one with colors and shapes, and one for later with long and short vowel sounds, I got a Pooh color workbook, and some month banners.

    I really like that quote. I am even going to put it in peanuts' journal!

  4. CONGRATS ON THE PREGNANCY!! Oh how wonderful!!

    About the photography, I am suprized you are still having to develop film! Haven't you gone digital yet? :) We figured out the cost and have actually already paid for our camera (with what we would have paid on development, film, and cd's of the pictures we were buying).

    I am wanting to be a photographer too (as is hubby). It is funny - whenever he picks up a new hobby, I pick it up too. I LOVE IT! (He has even gotten in on my digital scrapbooking - you can see some of his work in my gallery). Hubby has gotten REALLY good. Of course this was before we went digital and the practice almost drove us broke. But he is really good at nature. Now he wants to tackle people and get really good at that. You did REALLY WELL with the pictures you took (there are LOTS of books out there that you can rent from the library on taking better picutres - rules of thirds, etc.).

    The digital scrapbook place also has a photography contest. When I saw your flower pictures I thought they were actually for the photo challenge (this week's challenge was flower petals).

    Well, I have talked MORE than enough. Congrats again on the baby. If you feel led, please pray for us. We are praying that the Lord would bless us with a healthy baby boy (as you know we have three girls).

  5. Thanks P! We are both pretty excited about it and when Corynn figures it out-she will be too.

    As far as photography...I KNOW! I have wanted a more professional camera for a LONG time (since I was a teenager...) and my husband got it for me for my birthday. Digitals were more expensive and frankly, I was afraid of the 'change'. Call me old-school, but it takes me a while to warm up to ideas.

    Well, now, I really regret it NOT being a digital. We have spent so much money on film! I love to take pictures anyway-but now I am trying to experiment and learn about shutter speed, double exposures, and all that crazy stuff. I waste so much film. So much so, that I have decided to limit myself on film for our expenses. WAH! :-(

  6. I wish I were a...

    pish posh!

    This batch of pictures was great, and I think you unneedfully disparage your talents! :)


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