Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Corynn looking remarkably like Corynn. No lion head or painted nose or nothing-man can she be stubborn! That face right there proves it. Posted by Picasa


  1. I'm thinking of taking our costumed girls to the neighborhood of the professor we housesat for; they haven't seen the girls in ages. So that's what I have in store, huh? (She still looks cute. Stubborn, yes, but cute!)

  2. That is a great idea! I am sure they would love that and the girls would have a ball too! Will you use those Fairy costumes? Maybe put a turtle neck underneath of them?

  3. Millie was given a ladybug costume 2 years ago, and I bought an elephant costume for Annie (thrift store $2.00 bargain). I'll let them decide which they want to use. The fairy costumes would be great, but they're not as warm as the animal ones, so who knows.

  4. I hope you take some pictures-we would love to see them...whatever they become!


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