Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Elizabeth the gypsy-of course, by the time I had gotten to take their picture, she had wiped off the moon and stars on her cheeks. Bob was one of several costume fuddy-duddies. He was dressed as "Bob" with a gun... Posted by Picasa


  1. I guess that makes Scott and me fuddy duddies. Is that why we didn't even get a picture? Not even of the kids who were dressed up.

  2. Yep. I didn't take pictures of the people who didn't dress up. Bob just happened to be there at the right time-when I was taking a picture of Elizabeth.

    As I said before, I didn't take any pictures of the kids-didn't have time. I barely had time to get them of the adults. I did take a picture of Dave holding Noah-but didn't want to post that and have other parents get offended that THEIR kid wasn't on here.

    I guess I just have to offend SOMEONE all the time. Huh?

    I will give you a copy of the picture of Noah and Dave though-I will try to remember to bring it to church.

  3. Rebecca,

    Please forgive my comments from last night. I wasn't in a very good frame of mind. :(

  4. Of course! We all have our days! It's forgotten! :-)


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