Friday, November 11, 2005

Apple season was a FLURRY for Matt, who pressed bushels upon bushels of apples! Here are about 13 gallons of cider that he is fermenting into hard cider...we enjoyed lots of fresh cider, and he and his brother have made many gallons of cider that they are turning into brandy. The last number I got was 8 gallons, but that was before their last pressing of crabapples-which was probably 5 or 6 bushels. I don't what the total number is by now. Next year, Matt is already talking about making a press (he used one that a guy at church had) and is going to try his hand at making apple syrup and apple cider vinegar next year.  Posted by Picasa


  1. To set the record straight on two accounts:
    First, the good Dr.Kuiper also assisted in pressing those readily squashable fruits,

    and Second, I am not cognizant of any plans, present or future, that would attempt to illegally distill said hardened cider. I believe our liquor control laws are in place for a reason.

  2. You gave the disclaimer too late. I had already notified The Authorieties.


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