Monday, November 07, 2005

Here are some of the ornaments. I made them of potpourri, rose petals, mini roses, pinecones, feathers, all sorts of stuff....I REALLY enjoyed making them. I just had a brainstorm this year to make something similar-and I love them so much, I can pretty much say they will be a permanent addition to my craft tables from henceforth. Posted by Picasa


  1. i've only got a minute, but--

    i really like these! they look lovely and are probably even more so in person. i do mourn the empty drying rack, but it is serving its purpose, and these results are worth the bare space.

    everything looks so beautiful, and i hope craft show visitors snatch up your work by the armful (and pay for it by the armful, too, of course).

    good work,!

    p.s. glad to hear you'll have internet access for a few more months. who needs heat, anyway! :)

  2. Thanks Abby. Actually, it is a good thing the drying rack is empty-because I take it to the craft shows to display my stuff!

    Pish Posh about the heat-how pessimistic you are! I choose to think that I will PAY for the heat by keeping the internet and making bundles on my hugely success bunting business! OF course-optimism is not always realism....


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