Friday, November 11, 2005

Here he is stretching the hide...when he finished stretching it, it was the same size as the frame. Posted by Picasa


  1. I like this photo! It reminds me of the pioneering days and that not everything these days can be done on a computer, or with electricity. The sweat of a man's brow brings true accomplishment!

  2. It certainly does require is a long and tedious process and one that I am quite sure Matt will be sick and tired of by the time all those hides are done.

    But as you said, watching him do things like that-and me doing things like canning has me thinking how LUCKY we are we don't have to churn butter, wash clothes on a board, sew all of our own clothes, and all the other multitude of tasks early Americans had. As great as they are to do occasionally-I would HATE to HAVE to do them each and every day. It makes you grateful for the free time you have, which suddenly seems like a lot! :-)


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