Hello everyone! Corynn is sleeping, and Matt left to go work on a boatload of hides he just got-so I have a free minute to blog. Not only do I have a 'bun in the oven' but I have buns in the oven...rising so in a little while I can bake them. My original plan was to make sloppy joe tonight on homemade buns-but I have a hunkering all of the sudden for a Turkey Bacon sandwich melt. SO-I am going to finish making the sloppy joe and finish baking the buns...and we will eat those tomorrow and enjoy the turkey melts tonight. If anyone ever eats at Friendly's-they have them there and mine taste almost exactly like them.
Yesterday was an extremely busy day for me. I got so much accomplished and was very proud of myself. I vacuumed, dusted, moved furniture, swept, scrubbed and bleached the kitchen sinks (it SHINES now!), paid some bills, organized clothes, cleaned and organized the desk, furniture polished stuff, did lots of laundry, watered plants, cleaned bathroom, wrapped presents, and emptied all garbages. I also put together the beginnings of a lesson plan for homeschooling Corynn in the month of December and changed the bulletin board accordingly.
I wonder, how will I be able to effectively keep to a schedule when she is old enough and HAS to do school, if I can't even organize a little time each day for her schooling when it ISN'T necessary? I did a bit of introspection and realized that my fault lies in disorganized attitude in this area. It is hard for me to sit down and do something with her each day, if each morning, I am wondering what I have to do! So-I decided to keep a monthly lesson plan with one specified activity each day all planned for. Each weekend, I will prepare for that weeks' plan by expounding on what I can do alongside the activity (reading consistently themed stories, etc.) and preparing the craft activities. I have a rough idea of what I want to do in December-and I have activities until next week. I will do next weeks plan this weekend. Here are some of tihs months' objectives:
Theme: Christmas Story
~Journey to Bethlehem (Luke 2:1-7)
~First Christmas (Luke 2:1-20)
~Angels Visit Shepherds (Luke 2:8-20)
~Three Wise Men follow Star (Matthew 2:1-12)
Within and alongside the THEME, I will teach the following...
SHAPES: Review All
FOCUS: Star and Square
Letters: Review All
Teach Alphabet Song
FOCUS: C (cookies, Christ, Christmas, candle
D (December, deer,)
J (Jesus, Jingle Bells, Joseph)
Numbers: Review
Teach 15-25
So-that is my goal. I would be very interested to see what everyone elses' plans are for December-those of you who homeschool directly or who participate in teaching their kids after the kids come home from school. I will admit-I may steal some ideas though, if they are good. But maybe you can consider helping a newbie in the business...remember: Titus 2! ;-) (Of course, you young'uns share too-that way I will know I am not alone! :-) And here is plug for you, Jen...maybe you could tell me about your plans specifically? I am especially interested in what you do and how you do it! I just want to encourage you to keep up the homeschool blog-because you have one very serious fan right here! I will check your blog to see if you ever get a chance to do it...I hope so!
I have recently taken to the idea of reading aloud to the family and realize the importance of it. Recently, I have read quite a abit about recreational family reading and have geared myself to that way of thinking also. After a conversation I had with my sister yesterday, I am even further convicted by the good it could bring a family. While I ALWAYS read stories to Corynn, I feel very strongly that as she gets older...I will continue to read to her (or maybe even Papa) chapter books and beyond. Then, she can take over reading along with the other 'children' (that I have yet to have! hehehe) to better their reading and oratory skills. It seems like it would not only a great bonding experience, but would further each and every persons' knowledge and skill level. A person is never too old to be read to, but should also have practive themselves. I can't wait for the day Corynn wants to read to me. Soon it will be, too. She already 'reads' me stories by holding the book open and telling me the major points that she remembers I just read. So cute.
Okay-before I close this post, I want to tell you some of the Christmas planning under way in the Newman house. I have gift-wrapped all the presents that have been bought so far (I do this early because we don't have many hiding spots in our house!) and we have bought 3/4 of the gifts we are buying. Last night I went out looking specifically for Matt-his BIG surprise present and I found it. I have been saving my craft money to get him this and so it is very special to me and I am just so excited. The best part is that I was able to purchase it at nearly half the price I expected to pay. I have also decided what to get for Corynn. I will get her a Leap Frog Alphabet phonics fridge game.
Along with storebought gifts, we try to make many of our gifts also. The projects I have in store include mother and daughter aprons, a fleece shawl and beret set, a hat and slipper set, a set of photo pillows, and a cross stitch. Matt has a few woodworking projects in mind too. We have a few other things to make, but we can't be specific as they are gifts and we don't want to let the cat out of the bag...this is true for one of Matt's gifts from me too. After we get the 'big' presents made, I have to focus on baking and candy making...as I make tins for our neighbors, mailmen, garbage and recycling men, landlady, and others. I am still pondering what I can do with Corynn for the grandparents...
Finally-we are getting our tree this weekend and will decorate the outside of the house at that time too. I was impatient so I decorated the hallway and upstairs with some extra multi-colored lights we had (we usually decorate the house with white lights.) It was fun and is so neat looking now.
I guess that is it for the Christmas report. Until next time....