Tuesday, January 03, 2006

REQUEST: I NEED Quilt blocks!

*** If you read my Resolutions post, you may have an idea what it coming. Maybe not.

I am reading a WONDERFUL book that I have already asked Matt to surprise me with some holiday. It is called 'The BLOCK Book' and it is a book about quilting and has easy-step-by step instructions for over 100 different quilt blocks. I am so excited about it and came up with an idea I am even more excited about!

A goal for this year is to make a quilt for our bed. I would like to learn piecing, binding, and quilting on a LARGE scale. I would like to become proficient at creating MANY different styles of quilt blocks. I thought, for my first LARGE quilt, it would be be SUPER DUPER cool to have one with special meaning-and would be much EASIER to do if I had HELP with the 'top'.

I want my first bed quilt to be interesting and special and so I thought to do a community quilt. The value will be in the many hands that helped prepare it, the design and colors will be ecclectic and THAT, in my eyes, will give it all the more appeal.

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-Here is what I propose.

I would like to get as many 12 inch quilt blocks as I can from as many people as I can from as many STATES as I can. If you are willing to make and mail me a 12 inch block-I will love you forever! ANYONE who is interested in participating in a quilt block exchange with me is MORE than welcome. It can be WHATEVER colors you decide, it can be WHATEVER pattern you decide. Beginning quilters or novices all welcome! In turn, I will send YOU a 12 inch block that I have created.

Depending on the interest of the participating ladies, I can share the names of each willing lady to form a GROUP in which you get multiple quilt blocks from different people. Some women may not be interested in doing it 'large scale' or wouldn't appreciate being bothered with making more than ONE square. Some women may only want to make one block. Some women who haven't ever quilted before, may not know what to do with lots of squares so they may not be interested. In this case, you can exchange the block with me and I will NOT share your name with the other ladies.

I don't like those pesky 'chain things' because let's face it-if you don't want to do it. You won't. This offer is for all ladies who ARE interested in a block exchange. OR for any and all who are willing to help me make a VERY fun and well-travelled quilt!

Here are the requirements:

* The finished block must be 12"

** It must use colors and design that depict your personality, state, or individualism-translation: MAKE it how ever YOU want to make it!

*** The blocks must be sent to me (and/or other participants) by March 15th.
(That way, I have time to put my quilt together before baby Peanut arrives!)

**** When mailing, make sure you include the block name (if there is one), your name, and city/state. I will be including that info. on my quilt so I remember who made what and where each block came from.

Anyone who is interested in exhanging with me AND/OR participating in a group exchange can post a comment and let me know, email me, call me, or write me a snail mail letter. Our email is mrnewman@pronetisp.net When you do, please specify if you just want to send me a block for MY quilt or if you want to participate in the group exchange. If you do a group exchange-remember, your mailing address will be given out to others so they can mail their block to you. If this makes you uncomfortable-don't do it. Sender will pay all shipping charges (which could only be cost of a stamp!)-but each recipient will be sending OUT the same amount so it all evens out.

I hope many of you are interested in participating. If you have friends or family who may be interested, please let them know too. As I said before, I would love to see my quilt filled with all sorts of different people from all different places. The more places and people, the BETTER!

If any interest is shown in this idea, I will be able to accomplish several of my goals early in the year!

1) Making a quilt for our bed.
2) Becoming proficient at different blocks.
3) Piecing, putting together, binding, and quilting a LARGE scale quilt.

Wouldn't THAT be grand?!?!?


  1. You've probably already factored in seam allowances, but I'm just double-checking. Should the blocks be 12" exactly when finished or 12" with 1/4" seam allowances (12 1/2"}?

    Also, do you want the blocks to be only piece-patterned, or could they include applique, embroidery, etc. (Not that I'm planning anything extra, just for the record. If I'm working on my "pre-baby" projects like I should be, I doubt I'll have time for anything other than a bare bones block.)

    I'm going to see if my mom's hands are too full to make a block (between me, Sarah, Becky, and chuchfolk, she's got at least 6 baby quilts to make in the next several months, but this is something she'd like). If she's up to it, I'll let you know to count her in.

  2. Rebecca,

    You can tentatively count me in! I'll ket you know for sure soon!

  3. Rebecca,
    I would like to make a block for your quilt, but I am not a quilter, so as long as you don't mind a very basic, somewhat boring block, I will be happy to make one for you!

  4. I forgot! Do you want only cotton fabric used to make the piecing easier with uniform weight and pull? And SURELY you have SOME color preference! :)

    (Basically, by asking all these pesky questions, I hope to sneakily make you design a quilt block for me over the internet, that I can then assemble and send to you....kind of defeats the whole purpose of your supercool idea, though, huh?)

    And I second Elizabeth's sentiment, though I promise to strive for straight edges (thanks to my mom's gift of a quilter's cutting board) and no offensive color combinations.


    Hey- remember my summertime quilt with applique? I've compiled most of the fabric for it. It's lovely. The fabric- that is-- the poor quilt is still only a sketched design. It's on the radar for 2006, though, so may this block for your quilt serve to reacquaint me with my sewing machine!

  5. Yippee! Some willing people!

    Leah-Just let me know what you decide in enough time so that I can make YOU one if you so desire!

    Elizabeth-Of COURSE I want your block! Remember-I just started this whole quilt thing three teeny tiny projects ago! :-) If you want, you can look through the book I have. It has REALLY easy layouts and will give great instructions on even the simplest of blocks! (OR you could go the 'Samuels' stocking route and make a 12 inch CRAZY quilt block!) Anything you do will be a wonderful addition to my quilt.

    Abby-Really and Truly. I want a block built around the personalities and places of my friends. You do what you want! Applique, embroidery, adding buttons-whatever is a WELCOME change and will add interest and uniqueness to it. This includes fabric variety AND color. I REALLY have no specific colors in mind. This is going to be REALLY ecclectic but I think it will have personality that way. As far as the size block, I would like the FINISHED size to be 12 inches-so wouldn't that make the unattached block be 12 1/2? I am really not sure. The BLOCK BOOK has TONS of patterns for 12 in. finished blocks so I thought I would make those. The book says 12 inch finished block. I guess I had better figure that out before everyone starts making them...

    (Yeah for the first step in your very huge quilt undertaking! It is so nice to see the fabrics you will be using because it helps to visualize and plan! BTW-will this quilt be wall-hanging, twin, full, or baby sized?)

  6. 12 and 1/2 inches it is!

    I'll mail you a sketch of the block I intend to make within a few weeks, and I'll mail the block, if I can possibly make it in time, by March 15th, 2007.

    Wait a minute...
    You want it mailed BEFORE Peanut arrives?!?!?!?!?!? That's 2006!!!!

    (Harumph. You crazy organized girl...)

  7. p.s.


Whatdya Think?