Friday was Matt's last day of working for Cornell. I went to pick him up from work since his company truck couldn't be used. The reality has set in and while I am grateful for the time he will be here to help with the packing and everything, it was still a bit scary to know he was 'done'. At least it was scary for me. The turning of a new page. The start of a new life. READY OR NOT!
This past week I have taken a bit of a reprieve from packing. It was hard enough to getthe children clothed and fed and the laundry done! The first day home, I was showered and dressed but Matt and the children all still had pj's on at 10:30. I said to Matt, "Well. We will be golden as long as we don't have to be out the door until about noonish!" Each day though, has started with ever more ease and I have become increasingly more adept at preparing our family for the day at a reasonable time. We even made it to church at our usual 15 minutes early-no complications.
Andrew is a week old today and this past week has been nothing but joys in getting to know him. I can't seem to look away and it can be even harder to set him down. I love the softness of his head in the crook of my neck and the little sounds he makes, the way his body just goes limp when pressed to mine and his complete trust and dependence on us. He is an exceptionally easy baby. At a week old, he has been waking up only once or twice in the night each night. That is a miraculous thing for a child just days old. He is not colicky or cranky, does not spit up, and doesn't insist upon anything. Of course, all of these things could change tomorrow-but having these wonderful attributes going for us has made adjusting to normalcy that much easier for me and our whole family, really.
He has already teased me with a dreamy smile. Twice, actually. I do not discount it because it was not 'social' but rather eagerly seek out the next one, knowing that I am catching a glimpse of his future face. He is keeping his eyes open more frequently and for longer stretches, which just delights me to the fullest. As sweet his face is when sleeping, it just melts my heart to see his little eyes peering out. Even though the thought of a boy conjuered up some trepidation, looking at him I see just how perfect God's plan was for us. He is everything that I dreamed he would be and more and I just couldn't imagine it any other way.
Corynn is adjusting to our new life well. She is sweet and gentle to the baby and it is obvious to all that she adores him. She is so infatuated with him,in fact, that I am afraid she has forgotten how to play. Whenever he is around she drops all that she is doing to be at his side. I am hoping that her infatuation will ease enough for her to occupy herself at some point. While the baby isn't a direct issue, we are struggling with things that may be 'baby' related. She was doing grand with the whole potty thing. She was trained and was wearing cloth panties all the time. Now she is having 'accidents' right and left. It started as soon as Andrew was born and frustrates me to no end. She has also started having some behavior issues. I am not sure if it is because of Andrew or because she spent several days at Grandma and Grandpa's. Perhaps both-but trying to get a handle on it has been a source of great frustration and heartache for me, in particular. It is so hard to have to take steps backwards and to re-train her in things she had already mastered.
Personally, I am feeling great and have 'recovered' very quickly. Every now and again I get emotionally drained with the HUGE to-do and our time here so quickly slipping away. Even getting dressed in the morning is a challenge! I have only a VERY small selection of clothes to choose from. Basically, one church outfit, a pair of pants, and two or three shirts. Talk about frustrating. While my belly has shrunk with the absence of a squirming fish-problem areas have shifted upwards! I have watermelons to contend with instead of pineapples. I don't even fit into the shirts I fit into while nursing Corynn! Boxes and boxes everywhere but not a thing to wear!
For the few challenges, there are many more great comforts. We have been blessed with many meals given by the families of our church. These are coming in VERY handy-not only with the baby but also amongst all the packing we will be doing. I am EVER so grateful for that help. Food is not the only generosity bestowed on us these days. Beautiful flowers brighten our rooms, gifts have been showered upon us, pictures given and any number of other niceties. Life is full of little surprises and we are celebrating Andrew and all the blessings of our Lord at the onset of each new day.
Isn't it wonderful to become acquainted with the little self you've carried for nine months, and how quickly it seems impossible that he was anywhere but in your arms? I'm glad that Andrew is an "easy" keeper so far (not that you would want to do anything but keep him close even if he wasn't, though). Let's hope, for your sake, that he sleeps like a lamb ad infinitum!
ReplyDeleteMillie started slipping up a bit when Annie was born, too, but things will fall back into place, especially with your vigilance. Corynn looks so sweet in the pictures with Andrew, and I'm glad that her adjustment problems seem to be in more minor areas than her relationship with her dear baby!
I'm so glad that Matt will be able to help you with all that's left to finish up before the big move. Exciting!
p.s. Here's a question for you and/or any other person with input. How much space does each year of Corynn's clothing use (i.e. about how many small/med./large boxes or bins for four season's worth of one size)? I just switched the girls' seasonal clothes around and I'm trying to gauge how much to keep. My actions tend to be whole hog-- I either get rid of too much or I don't get rid of enough, so it will help to know what others deem appropriate. (I have no trouble getting rid of anything they didn't use, but I don't think they need even all the clothes that they DID use.) I want to cast off our excess before our move, and I'd like to get rid of anything I can now before packing it back into storage.
I am so glad to hear that you are all doing well! I will be bringing a meal for you on Sunday...if you need it before then, please let me know! Sorry we missed you at church on Sunday...I really wanted to see that little bundle!!
ReplyDeleteHi Rebecca! I am so glad Andrew is easy for you, especially NOW when you all have so much on your plates!!! I think a secret of the success is how much he weighs. Usually babies who are heftier can go longer between feeds. I know Timothy came home from the hospital only waking up twice in the night, as did my other boys. :)
ReplyDeleteDon't worry too much about Corynn slipping up. She can sense that things are changing around your place. You are packing up these big brown boxes and daddy is home a lot now. Those things weren't the norn before. You have a new little baby around, too, who wasn't there before. She is probably confused and maybe a bit nervous. It will all smooth out once you get down to your new place eventually. If it makes you feel better, Matthew wasn't toilet trained fully until a month before he turned 3, and we WORKED on him a LOT!! He had to go through a move, too.
To Abbie: we have one large Rubbermaid per clothing size for our boys (I think 18 gal?) So, for 3-6m, that is one big bin for different seasons. I think that is more than enough! In fact, I feel we are swimming in clothes now! Of course, my first two boys were born May and April respectively, so they didn't really need all 4 seasons worth. I need to weed through some things... :)
congrats on your new baby!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHillary~ That is yet to be decided. Sort Of. We will be moving our stuff out on the 25th of April but I may stay behind and wait to drive down with Matt on the 26th or 27th. It is sort of frustrating not knowing specifics, but I guess it can't be helped. Don't be amazed by me-your mom had a few more than me after all! Maybe by the time I catch up with her, if I do, I will be needing a bit more rest too. Nothing is a better motivator than having no choice!
ReplyDeleteAbby~As far as storing things-I think EVERYONE realizes they have more than they need, I am realizing how true this is as I am packing things up. That answer, however, doesn't help one twiddle so here is what I have. For girls I have (in 18 gallon rubbermaid containers)
1 bin full of 0-3 to 6/9 months
1 bin full of 12-24 months
1 bin full of 24 months/2T
and one bin to store large sizes that she will grow into (since I shop for NEXT year when clothes are at their cheapest)
For boys I have
1 bin of 0/3 to 3/6 months (I have been given LOTS of boy clothes from my mom, sister, and a friend from church)
and one large bin (the long kind) for all other sizes up to 2T
I also have one tiny rubbermaid container for gender-neutral newborn clothes.
So-that's that. I will be weeding through these things, but am afraid I will have to MOVE it and THEN weed because my time is fast slipping away!
Wendy~ And I wanted you to see him! ;-) I hope your family is feeling better now!
Michelle~You know, I never thought of that! That surely might have something to do with it, since I certainly make pretty big babies!
I am trying desperately to deal with the whole potty thing in a fair way-but let me tell you-it's hard. I finally decided not to stress out about it until AFTER we move. I will of course address it every time, but I can't get mad like I have been getting. It IS A LOT for her to adjust to. I have to have some compassion too. BUT WHY!?!?! ;-)
Amy Jo-Thanks so much and come again! I look forward to seeing your blog when it is out from under contruction! :-)
Michelle and Rebecca,
ReplyDeleteThanks for your input! I'm off to weed out some more (anyone in need of girl's clothes, please give me a holler soon, and I mean that sincerely!).
p.s. Rebecca, I know the timing's rotten, but if you could use any larger sizes (3T-4T) for Corynn, let me know. It'd be EASY for me to pictures of what I'm getting rid of and post the pictures on a separate blog for you to look at. That way, you wouldn't have to weed through stuff you don't want, but if you see something you'd like and could use, I could mail it to you whenever would be most convenient for you. Let me know!
ReplyDeleteAbby~ the timing is rotten-but not SO rotten. :-)
ReplyDeleteIf you have things you are going to get rid of, send them my way. Actually, in a few days you should be receiving our new address. You could send them straight THERE so we don't have to move them. It would be wonderful to have anything you have to offer! :-)