Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The great Bug Hunter in her new backyard-or at least a third of it... Posted by Picasa


  1. Oooh, I can't wait to come visit and have a picnic in your yard. I can hardly remember having a yard like yours and I know the kids will so love playing in it!!!! :)

  2. Anonymous8:31 AM

    What a wonderful place to raise kids. They can run and have so much fun. It will be be a delightful place to live. I bet grandma can't wait to have her little ones play there too.

  3. VERY soon we should be making a swingset. THEN it will be even MORE kid friendly. With the eventual addition of some sheep and goats-it will be the COOLEST hangout ever. We will make it so people will FLOCK to Happy Valley for a visit!

    Mrs. Bibby~THANK YOU for checking my blog! What a great SURPRISE it was when you first commented! Congratulations to you also, it wasn't long after Andrew that you had your own little granddaughter to gush over! I would love to see a picture-blogging is open to anyone. hint, hint! :-)


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