Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Joy among Joys

The last of our company left this afternoon after lunch, leaving the house oddly quiet. While I should be cleaning up the house and doing the laundry I have neglected for several days, yet I am found down in the basement on my nice cushy chair, staring into a rather harshly lit monitor. Sweet relief! And I had better post some of the 89 pictures I took in the last five days!

Six out of eight people ended up coming- two of our planned visitors are coming this weekend instead. And all I have to say is.... I LOVE MY DISHWASHER! The greatest thing in all the world is a dishwasher. No exaggeration. It is THE best invention ever-after the camera of course. Ok. And the computer. But it is a GOOD third place!

This was the first time I had ever hosted overnight guests, and I think it went smashingly well. No major catastrophes anyway. It did rain the entire time-but we managed despite that. It was such a pleasant time visiting. I missed our family so much. Good chatter and great fun. And Chuckie Cheese. (My parents took us to Chuckie Cheese to celebrate my birthday. Itty-bitty's outnumbered the giants, so there we headed. THE Chuckie (himself) presented me with a crown and balloon. Mom says since I am grown-up, I shouldn't have been embarrassed to be the only adult reliving her childhood as the honorary guestat a Chuckie Cheese birthday party. I guess I am not THAT grown up then because it was pretty embarrassing. :-)

Twenty four years. Yeah-I am just a young pup. This should be my best year ever though-since 24 just happens to be my favorite number. Twenty four years and look what I have accomplished!!! Some might scoff at such a young'un having two young'uns of her own, but my goodness! They are the best things I have ever done! Sometimes I still can't believe I am a mother-let alone, mother of TWO. Sometimes when I look at my two precioso regalos I can't help but be in awe of their sweetness. There is nothing like being a mother.

Joy among joys-though this pales in comparison to the others...we Newmans are chubby and getting chubbier...with the exception of our knobby-kneed colt, Corynn. The chubbiest of all is our Panda who changes FUZZY to CHUBBY in the cute little bear poem. I am proud to report that, though chubby, we are all at least comfortable because of some great deals on pants. There are some stores here that sell things ridiculously cheap-so cheap, that even the cheapest of the cheap (Matt) and his very cheap (but not excessively so) wife handed bills over without reluctance. We are all breathing easier in Happy Valley-and our wallets are happy too!

And now for a slew of pictures from our very first visitors here...


  1. Ah, I remember being that young. :) But I had two children then too (almost three, actually)...24 is a fun age. Happy Birthday! What day is your actual birthday? I don't think I've ever been to a birthday party a Chuck E. Cheese. What fun!

  2. Do you think they will have those pants also in my hubbies extraordinary size??
    And by the way: a very happy (belated) birthday!! And many more to come (I wasn't even married at that age)

  3. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Hey, I have you beat Rebecca. I had my third at 24!!! And wait until you are a grandmother. You may change your tune that being a mom is the best because it is super-great being a grandma!!!

    Love, Mrs. B.

  4. I do enjoy reading your blog. There's something to this long-distance, snooping stuff. I suppose "keeping in touch" is a friendlier way to describe it, though, huh.

    I am so glad to hear that your visits went well, that you, with Martha's ghost inhabiting, were able to relax and enjoy the fellowship of loved ones, AND that you could do so to the whirring of your home's dishwasher. Not having one myself, I can't wait until the girls are old enough for me to use my mom's old line..."Dishwasher? I have SEVEN of them!" :)

    Happy birthday! Bells and whistles ring for you in Depew!

    (About that chubbiness nonsense, I believe it about the Panda and rejoice in his growth, but scoff at the rest of you being so. Not only did I see you all in person, you also post pictures of yourself from the neck DOWN, unlike this vain girl I know who only posts pictures from the neck up...)

  5. Catherine~I don't know how old you are, but you can't be THAT much older than me. CAN you???? You look very young anyway....

    Els~ the store that I was referring to has clothes that are either slightly damaged or didn't sell at the 'big stores'. I found SEVERAL TALL lengthed women's pants-something I RARELY find EVER. I think it is because no one bought them so they came to this store. Exciting for me! I finally found a place that have pants long enough for my legs without spending upwards of 50 dollars for each pair!

    Mrs. B~ Being a Grandma is certainly a joy-because not only do you get to enjoy the babies, but you can be proud to see YOUR children having grown up the way you raised them. And of course-you can send them back when they get overwhelming!

    Abby~The day our first visitor came was the FIRST day that unpacking had not consumed my day. I remember laying in bed and thinking-I am SO glad I am FORCED to relax. It felt SO good to just put it out of my head!

  6. No, I'm not that much older...2 1/2 years. I was kidding when I made the above comment. :)


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