Thursday, May 04, 2006

A most secret place hides itself unsuspectingly behind some trees. Posted by Picasa


  1. This is so beautiful Rebecca- It makes me so jealous I must admit. I wish so much we had the financial assets to sell our home and move into the country! I guess for the time I will just have to pine over your pines!

  2. I love this still and secret place. If it's not too buggy, it'd be just the place to read or doodle. Is it near your yard?

  3. Elizabeth~one day you will! In the meantime, the Lord has blessed you with a home of your own-which has such GREAT benefits! You can do WHAT you want with it-when you want to do it. It takes time but you will get there!

    Abby~ this sits right behind the aforepictured mystery bushes and dogwood tree. Yesterday afternoon the people behind us (who actually own this waterhole) came by to visit. They told us that the waterholes are home to SO MANY misquitos, each year he has to go out with a larvaecide! He told us a really neat story about it too. About 5 years ago they threw a HUGELY successful Halloween party for all their friends. Not just ANY Halloween party-but a sort of mystery, hands on 'treasure hunt'. He took apart two different computers and hid the pieces (apparently, they are computer geeks...) He built the dock with only two boards across to walk on-each one being tied with a pulley that would not come undone unless a combination lock was figured out. At the end of the dock there was a raft which couldn't be used until the combination to ANOTHER lock was broken and only THEN could you retrieve the missing piece to solve the puzzle. COOL, huh?!?!? I Would LOVE to attend a party like that...


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