Thursday, May 04, 2006

So much for shorter....

Perhaps it is because I am lonely; it could be because it is the only form of ‘recreation’ available to me, or it might possibly be because I am CONSTANTLY consumed and often in need of a break. Whatever the reason, I am drawn to the world of blogdom more than I should be-I am online often twice a day now! I have even been checking unknown blogs in friends’ sidebars, something I never do, because my own friends are not keeping me updated enough for my own greedy tastes! (Shame on you for all having lives outside of your computer!) No-posting twice a day still does not fulfill my need, Abby! :-)

The weather has been gorgeous here, not too hot, blue skies and sunny. But not still. The simple waving of branches in the wind seems to me like taunting. While I am STILL stuck indoors for most of the day (I do take afternoon breaks so Corynn doesn’t turn into a vampire…) I am looking forward to heading out there often in the coming weeks. I have been given good news-the best of the best. I WILL be having a garden this year after all!!! I was sorely disappointed when it seemed like it wouldn’t happen. The soil is beyond repair, the season is growing late and my priorities were unfortunately turned toward other things. It made me SICK to FINALLY have a place that I could ‘spread’ out and not use only the ‘allotted’ space-and then not be able to do anything anyway!

Matt told me that next week, Ed is bringing down a dump truck load of ‘good dirt’ so that I can have a raised bed. Raised beds. I guess they are my future from henceforth. Not that I am complaining. Being able to grow anything at all delights me to no end. Funny how little things can make your day. And so, while my hands work diligently organizing and unpacking, my mind is whirling with garden plans and yardscapes and all the things I have always longed to do. I envision apple trees and lilacs, blueberry bushes, cutting and herb gardens along with my typical (though larger) vegetable one. Today I will stake out where I want the soil dumped, and it should come next week. Some time soon, I will draw out a plan for my vegetable garden. Oh-and my decorative flower garden. Any suggestions for flowers that LOVE the sun, have vibrant colors (AND smell) and are 3 feet high or less?

Oh-and another tidbit of good news! Matt is nearly done my clothesline. I know-I said that before, but now all we need is to put some secrete down and we will be golden. I have taken pictures all along the way, so those of you who have never done a clothesline before, but would LIKE to-you will see how. Hehehe Not just any clothesline, but a Newman’s OWN clothesline, the best of the best from the ‘family’ line.

Indoors, things are progressing nicely. I anticipate being completely done by mid next week. I am about 85% done now (not including my craft room). I have to hang curtains, restock books, work on our homeschool area, and do all the ‘decorative touches’ to make the house a home. After that, it is just the basics of cleaning. Washing all the windows. Dusting. Vacuuming. Mopping. And THEN-what will I do with my time?!?!? Ha!

As I have been unpacking, I am sorting through things that got packed that we don’t really need. Conveniently, the church is holding a rummage sale THIS Friday and Saturday. Tonight we are going to Dave and Ruth’s to drop off some stuff-as of right now, two garbage bags of clothes and a box of ‘other’ stuff. And…maybe find some good stuff to bring home-including some cloth diapers that Ruth gave me the heads up on. Woohoo!

Anyway-probably starting next week I am going to post pictures of each room of the house. A sort of…virtual tour! Of course, seeing it in person would be that much better-so, anytime you want to come!!!!!

Matt has been enjoying his first week and no-none of the Mexicans participated in the migrant workers walk-off day. :-) He has been taking our car to work, leaving me without a vehicle (like I have had time to notice!!!) but we do look forward to getting another vehicle for him to use. Los Mexicanos have a spare truck that we may purchase, we shall see. We have been a single car family ever since we have BEEN a family, so it will be different. I will say this-It would be GREAT to have a truck since a small car doesn’t offer very much transport space (especially for yard saling)! I might even be able to pick up my patio set here one of these days! A task I greatly anticipate!

Alright. I have to get pricing that yard sale stuff and then the oh-so-wonderful task of bill paying. Soon, I hope to be done the ‘essentials’ so I can start writing some real honest-to-goodness letters to those wonderfully thoughtful people who have stocked our mailbox daily! THANK YOU!!!


  1. How exciting that you get to have a garden! I've always wanted to plant a garden but have never really had the time. I'm so impressed that you're 85% done with unpacking already! I'm sure if we moved it would take me weeks (months?) to unpack everything. I can't wait to see pictures of each of your rooms! How fun. I hope your week goes well. I enjoyed reading your update...even though I haven't moved, I am spending a lot more time than I was two months ago sitting at home with my infant and 2-year-old. God bless!

  2. Anonymous7:04 PM

    You better watch out or I may take you up on your comment about coming to visit. I know you were directing it more toward your friends from NY but I am closer! ROFLOL!
    Loved the pics. Esp the one of you and Corryn. I have more pics to put up on my blog but I've been too tired lately. I will try to do that tonight if I don't fall asleep too soon! Hugs my friend! You are certainly blessed! ~Jen

  3. Rebecca, I am so glad that you are getting so much accomplished so quickly! At church on Sabbath it was very different...Especially when it came time for Matt to read the a very missed! Lucky Hansons! :)

  4. I give a cheer for gardening! I'm so glad that you won't have to lament your way through harvest season, staring at a patch of green grass where you'd hoped to have vegetables.

    It sounds like the beginnings of home are taking shape. It's good to hear that all is going so well!

    Oh, and, as always, I greedily await more pictures.

  5. p.s.

    I'll be glad not to have the swiftness wireless access from next door after we move. It makes it too easy to "just get on for a minute..." Checking blogs two times a day is NOTHING, believe me! Sadly enough, I fear I've fallen much harder than you.

  6. Catherine~you know, doing container gardening takes FAR less time, can be done small scale, and still offers the fun and tastiness of fresh from the ground goodness! I did that with quite a few plants last year since my 'wants' overflowed the space I was allowed to use. Just a thought! ;-)

    Jen~You bet you can! That offer was for ANYONE-ESPECIALLY you since with you, it will ACTUALLY probably happen! :-) You wrote before that you would be in Altoona on the 19th. My mom is coming out that weekend, otherwise I would meet you! Actually, we have nearly every weekend booked for the next two months! Crazy, huh? I REALLY look forward to your pics...

    Wendy~Thank you so much for that. You made us feel very special! It was weird for us too. Not only a different environment and routine, but a schedule too! They have SS first, THEN worship. And they have evening church! Something I have NEVER known...

    Abby~well, as horrible as it sounds-I am NOT glad for your instant wireless (at least not for me) that means we will be hearing from you FAR humbug!) I do hope you will TRY to keep us updated as frequently as is practical for you. (BTW~acn you upload pictures on a public computer? I didn't think Libraries allowed that!)

  7. I'm sure it will be delightful getting to have a nice big garden! I too love gardening and growing my own vegetables (they always taste so much better!). And we have our garden in raised beds as well! It actually has some advantages, like better containment, less of a snail problem, purer soil, etc. You'll have to post more about how it goes! God bless!

  8. If your pictures are burnt to a disk or stored in a flash drive, I don't see why you couldn't use public computers, because the pictures would simply be data in a removable tool, and they'd be uploaded directly to the internet via Picasa.

    Anyway, I lost the camera, so that solves one problem. AND my sister offered the use of her next-door computer when we need it, although I told her I'm not going to abuse her generosity by hopping on it all the time! :)


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