Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Started cloth diapers on Andrew. I waited until Corynn was abit older to start her. With Andrew I am trying it out early. I am not such a devoted cloth diaperer, nor do I do it just to say I do it-so I will continue to use disposables when we are gone on trips and at night. It's just easier traveling with disposables. My children don't like being wet-and with Andrew sleeping through the night for about 2 1/2 weeks now, I am not going to do ANYTHING to screw THAT up! Posted by Picasa


  1. The only times I've used cloth diapers on trips have been when we ran out of disposables for that purpose. When using cloth diapers, it's so nice to have disposables for certain times.

  2. Anonymous10:13 PM

    We use disposables for trips and such too...esp. long trips. I have to say too that I am so jealous that he is sleeping through the night...maybe he could give Lydia some lessons? LOL! Have a great week! ~Jen

  3. Rebecca,

    He's absolutely adorable!!! Does he suck his thumb?

    How wonderful that he is sleeping through the night! He can start giving this baby pointers now before he/she is born! ;)

  4. Disposables are great-except the added cost and the horrible environmental factor. But they sure are convenient!

    BUT-cloth are pretty darn cute! :-)

    As far as sleeping through the night: Matt NEEDS his sleep and I ENJOY my sleep, so I guess Andrew just got BOTH our traits. I hope he won't grow up to be a sluggard! ;-) Since we have had two early sleepers now, watch-our next one will have colic or something!

    Andrew just started sucking his thumb and fingers. It is kind of awkward, as you can see-as he covers the rest of his face too, but it is pretty cute. Corynn did the same thing, though only for a few days. I don't know if it will 'stick' or if he is just experimenting with something new like Corynn did. We shall see!

  5. too cute!! what cloth diapers are you using?? hubby really wants to do the cloth thing and it doesn't seem like too much more work. keep us updated!

  6. Cute diaper (and baby!) I don't do totally cloth with Timothy either. I also use disposables at night because I figure he'll sleep longer and I need my sleep or I'm a wreck the next day. We burn our trash, though, and disposables do NOT burn easily. Yuck! Is that one of the ones in your $5 lot??

  7. I used cloth diapers for a while with my first two, but then when I had my 3rd and had three in diapers for a bit since they were all so close together, it was too hard and we switched to disposable. I'd like to maybe go back to cloth with this baby though, because I do like them better and know that they're more comfortable for baby.


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