Tuesday, May 02, 2006

You can see he is as interested in the adventure as Corynn... Posted by Picasa


  1. Is Andrew's hair lightening up a bit or is it just the light in this photo???

  2. Sweet baby lips. Speaking of lightened hair, I just looked at baby pictures of Annie a few days ago. I had completely forgotten that she was born with a forest of dark hair! So strange...

  3. His hair is just as dark as it was before, and surprisingly, is getting THICKER in back. He IS starting to lose a bit of it around his ears though. If he keeps up this way-he will look like an old man before we know it! BUT-something ELSE is lightening! His EYES! I am POSITIVE, FOR SURE, that he will be my Blue Eyed Boy! YIPPEE FOR ME! He has ONE attribute of mine! :-)

    Abby~Isn't it bizarre to be born with one thing and within a few years-have it change so drastically? Corynn was born with blackish hair too-and now she is very light. I am not even going to GUESS what happens with Andrew...except that he gets even more cute. :-)

  4. I love this picture of Andrew. He looks so peaceful and content. What a little sweetie.


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