Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Today we go INSIDE! The Foyer

Sorry this shot is fuzzy-I was lazy and didn't want to retake it and then upload another one. Come on in! The handmade door leads to our live-in basement (by live-in I mean LIVE IN, since it is the only some-what cool place in the whole house!) The stairs going up lead to the rest of the house-straight ahead is the kitchen, the left is the living room, and the hall to the right leads to the bedrooms. Tomorrow we will head into the kitchen... Posted by Picasa


  1. And a lovely Foyer it is...:-) I am really sorry for not corresponding with you about our visit...time is flying! I was thinking that maybe we would arrive sometime on Saturday, July 1st. Is this day okay? I would imagine that we would arrive sometime after lunch. I know you talked to us about staying over...we can do that...but I do feel a little guilty about it. Please be honest with me, because it is just as easy for us to head out after visiting with you all. If the plans were to stay, we would most likely leave from church and then visit with our college buddies who live very close by. We are looking forward to a good visit...and eagerly waiting to see all of the Newman Homestead in person that we have been teased with in pictures! Let me know for sure if this is at all good for you...especially the staying over part...I know we can be overwhelming:)

  2. Are you KIDDING?!?! I WANT you guys to spend the night! You will NOT be 'too much'-silly girl. Shall I have lunch ready for you on Saturday? Will you be coming back to the house after church for lunch or are you heading straight to your friends? I would be glad to throw something in the crockpot for you-unless you will be eating lunch with them. I am glad you told me about it being July 1st-for some reason I had written it in for THIS weekend! :-) Yippee!

  3. Rebecca, Thank you so much for having us...Dont worry about lunch for us on Saturday...I will most likely pack sandwiches for us to munch on the way...I dont know if I can pin point a time since I am not exactly sure where you are...so I will say between 1 and 2 o'clock...I am excited to go to church with you all too...I have never been to state college before....I was just thinking to myself...does Matt have to go to Synod at all? Anyways...we plan to leave straight from church to visit with Kev and Lisa and will plan to eat lunch with them. It will be a lot of travel for the kiddos, but we want to see everyone we can on this little jaunt! As far as directions go...hmmm, we will mapquest your address and print that out. I dont think that I have your phone number...you could email me at cordyv(at)epix(dot)net --I am way too excited...let me know in the email if we should bring blankets pillows towels etc...cant wait to see you all!

  4. What a nice foyer! I love having a foyer as the entrance to our house as well...a great place to receive guests, come in out of the cold/heat, etc. I can't wait to see the rest of the house!


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