Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Alterations and Explosions

Alterations and Explosions
I hope everyone had a Happy Independence Day! Ours was very nice. We went to a picnic with several families from church and then pulled up a blanket to watch the fireworks. I made red,white, and blue star cupcakes by dividing the cake mix into three sections and then adding red and blue food coloring. They were so festive and a real hit. I also made pasta salad with cheese tortellini, cherry tomatoes, pepper rings, and black olives. That was yummy too. So yummy, in fact, I wanted to eat the rest of it for lunch today but we LEFT IT THERE! Aw, man!

It was a lovely time and thanks to a willing Panda holder, I was even able to play some croquet! (Not that I won...) When it came time for the fireworks, we all headed to a field with our blankets. The fireworks were coordinated with music from a local station and it really reminded me of Fantasia. I think I might try and rent that movie sometime. We missed all the fireworks traffic by leaving before the grand finale. It was perfect. We didn't get held up at all but we still got to see the grand finale from our car. Others had to contend with thousands of cars. They say the stadium had 100,000 people in it! And that was just the stadium, not the surrounding neighorhoods and fields! I took some pictures but I used my Canon so I have to get them developed.

I am getting kind of bored with house pictures so I think I am going to take a week off. All we have left are the bedrooms and the basement but I just need a change of pace or something. So-for those of you interested, house pictures will resume in the next week or so. I posted just some random pictures today. I have been posting LOTS of pictures lately, and not many THOUGHTS. Maybe that is because it seems, lately, that all my thoughts are scattered to the four winds.


This weeks Deal of the Week is an Aeropostale teeny-bopper eyelet tanktop I got at Gabriel Brothers for $.99. No, not for me. Actually not for ANY teenager. I am going to cut off the 'bra-like' straps it has on it now and replace them with coordinated ribbon. With that SMALL five minute change, a SKIMPY shirt can be a gorgeous dress on a little girl. If you keep your options open and use creativity when you shop, you can really get some great things! I will be fixing it tonight and I will post pictures of it tomorrow modelled by one serious cutie!

This week I am also going to start on Peanut's scrapbook. I have SO many pictures and I haven't even STARTED scrapping them! I want to have a few pages done to show everyone when my family comes in two weeks. Now that my craft room is done, I am ready to get crafty!

SO- That is the newest news from Happy Valley. Have a wonderful day!


  1. Rebecca,

    You have a Gabe's near you!!! When we lived in WV that was one of our favorite stores! Sounds like your shirt turned dress will be adorable! You'll have to post a picture of it and it's wearer. ;)

  2. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Can't wait to see the picture! I posted about you today - .... I *did* go take care of myself and it's all your fault! I'll send you the credit card bill when it comes in - LOL!

  3. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Can't wait to see the picture! I posted about you today - .... I *did* go take care of myself and it's all your fault! I'll send you the credit card bill when it comes in - LOL!

  4. Happy 4th of July! Your cupcakes sound so cute! We played croquet on the 4th too, how funny. What a fun day you all had.

  5. Leah~ I am LOVING that store! We had one when we lived close to PA growing up, but I was too young to really 'shop' so I didn't remember how GREAT it was!

    Kris~I am GLAD you took my advice! You sound much happier now!

    Catherine~Croquet is a really fun game...even when you aren't very good. Actually I saw quite a few croquet-players. Volleyball and Football too. Just fun outside things, I guess.


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