Saturday, July 29, 2006

Drum Roll Please.......

Sooooooooooo....who wants to know the winner of my fabuloso summer recipe contest?!?!?!

ACTUALLY-since I have TWO prizes, I decided I would have TWO winners! Matt chose the first one and I chose the second. Since the 'rules' stated that whoever had Matt's recipe pick would get the CHOICE of prizes...the lady who posted MY favorite recipe will have to take what is leftover. Sorry...but at least TWO people win, right?!?!

So without further ado~ Matt's Pick: Cuban Bean Salad and my choice was the recipe for Sticky Chicken. Congratulations go to Michelle and Kris for their winning recipes! If you want to email me your addresses, I will get your prizes shipped out the beginning of next week! My email address is nuevo-hombres(at)netzero(dot)net (And Michelle, you can pick which prize you would prefer...)

After much consideration and several narrowing-downs, the Cuban Bean Salad was his top choice. I am certain the jalepeno's had something to do with it... :-)

I chose the sticky chicken because it was a main dish that did NOT require using the oven. It was cooked in a roaster-keeping my kitchen COOL (or at least not a sauna...)

I must say, there were a tremendous amount of excellent recipes and I wish you all could have won. Thank you for all who took time out to share recipes! I will be trying them ALL out in the next month or two! All in all-a very successful contest. Successful and fun-I think I will do them more often...

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to those who won! It was a fun contest, and I can't wait to try out some of the recipes that were contributed. Thanks, Rebecca!


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