Friday, August 11, 2006

Chavala... the name of our next girl. Matt has declared it such after watching Fiddler on the Roof. He is obsessed. Quite taken, for sure.

I have but a minute to write on this here blog monger. I have to get packing. Yesterday Matt announced he wanted to make another trip 'home'. Whew. I thought moving four hours away would lessen these trips-but I guess I was wrong.

The Good News:I get to hang out with my mom (and hopefully, my sister.)

The Bad News: Matt only gets one day off a week-and that is tomorrow, so we will have to head home Saturday night. That means, yet again, we don't get to see our pals from church. I am trying not to get bitter about this farming monster consuming my husband and dictating MY life. It can be hard though.

Come next week, hopefully, Renaissance will be having a Renaissance of it's own. Rebirth, that is. This here Lady, the greatest of all, has been consuming her already-stretched-thin time to give me a blog makeover. And one that is sorely needed, I might add. Hot pink spots follow me around the rest of the day, after just one glance at my blog. Hopefully, this blog will be much more 'me' with the new look. Except- the 'me' is going to have to be Kris's interpretation of 'me' since I am too dumb to do anything so computer-savvy on my own. I have tried. Really. And then, after wasting hours of time with no results, my eyes cross and then I get hot-pink hot flashes. It's not a pretty sight. This will be SOME FEAT for her, since I am so over-the-board with my likings. I like Victorian. I like country. I like vintage. How can you marry them? I have no idea. I am waiting on pins and needles to see the master's creation. And she IS a master!

So-I will be gone this weekend again. Back next week with a (hopefully) refreshed husband and a refurbished blog .

Have a great weekend!


  1. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Hi, I'm over here from Jen's blog to look at pictures, but I just had to laugh about your new baby's name. Not that I don't love it, I do, but that's the name we always told my (very nosy) mother we were going to name our children when she'd ask way before we wanted her to know the real name. I wish we'd had a Chava in the is such a darling name.

  2. Have a wonderful, if short, trip home! I can't wait to see your new blog look! If I were more computer savvy myself, I would redo mine someday, but I'm afraid it's destined to forever be dark blue with polka dots...ah well, guess I can live with that, could be worse. Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Lori-That is so funny! And a good way to avoid letting the secret out! Thanks for stopping by!

    Catherine~dark blue with polka dots is at least STYLISH-unlike my pink! :-)

  4. I like Chavala lots! Really, I even like it better than Francoise.

    So, is there anything you and Matt would like to share with us...?

    (Just kidding, although that would be shocking, happy news!)


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