Friday, August 18, 2006

The dessert, a Lemony Angel Cake, that Corynn announced as her wedding cake. Yes-she has marriage on the brain. Who is her groom? The honorable Dr. Herbst, of course! (He was my ob/gyn with Andrew!) Posted by Picasa


  1. Anonymous4:16 PM

    You are actually making me hungry in spite of my nausea! That looks so so good. Please share some of your recipes! And BTW, Nathan will be devestated to think he's not Corynn's future groom! :)

  2. I've never made angel food cake before (the number of egg whites intimidates me). This looks soooo scrumptious.

  3. Pretty cake, and I had to laugh over the Dr. Herbst comment!! LOL I have seen him in the hallways of Guthrie while going to my appts. :)


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