Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Getting to the nitty gritty...

Paula~We received a very special package the other day and are MOST grateful for your generosity toward us! You have such a kind and giving spirit! Corynn ADORED her sweatshirt-she took one look and then said "Wow! WOW! WOOOOWWWW!" Then, she insisted upon wearing it. I told her it was TOO hot but she ran to the fan and said "But my ARMS are COLD, Mama!" I told her she could try it on, but 'trying it on' lasted for HOURS. She didn't take it off. I could hardly stand to LOOK at her, she made ME hot!!!

Isn't that the most beautiful sight ever?

Well......maybe SECOND. :-)

All the pictures I have been taking lately are fluzzy and blurred. I am not sure if it is ME or the camera. I wouldn't have posted them, except that the CONTENT of the pictures are sweet, despite the haze!

Today is going to be a very busy day for me. In fact, the last FEW days have been busy. It all started on Monday when I noticed that EACH AND EVERY room of the house was cluttered and messy. Not ONE area of my home was a 'sanctuary' but rather, a reminder at my slacking off. It was sickening.

At that point, I rolled up my sleeves and MADE myself get motivated. I was almost so overwhelmed I didn't start, because, after all, where DO you start when you have so much to do? But then I just took one room at a time. First the rooms closest to the front door-so if someone stopped by they wouldn't be appauled. Then I was REALLY ambitious and I tackled the basement (which is nearly the same size as the 'living level'.

Now that THAT is done-I feel like I am not drowning and I can get on with it already! PLus-I have the added motivation to get the house clean because I get to meet IN PERSON one of my blogging buddies! Jen is coming over tomorrow and I will finally get to meet her and her four (and a half!) children-who I know all about but have never met! Exciting!!!

Besides cleaning and organizing (which should take most of the day); laundry and dishes, I have to stock my NEW CHEST FREEZER (the men delivered it to me yesterday and to thank them for their efforts, I made them cookies to go)! I LOVE MY FREEZER and can't wait to start STOCKING!

I am going to start the process of making zucchini relish and I am going to try my hand at making
Kim's Volcano Pickles. They sound right up Matt's alley!

AND-I am FINALLY going to package out those prizes from my contest! I am SORRY it has taken me this long to get them sent out...I will procrastinate NO LONGER!

The end of August we are going to host a church party at our house. Nearly 100 people will be here and so I am starting NOW on the preparations for that. This will be the first time most of the congregants will have been to our house-so I want it to be spectacular. Elegant, fun,
and on the cheap. I am researching and planning now. Yesterday I spent a LOT of time on Martha We hope to have a hayride to the farm to show people what this farm is like (quite unlike some farms...). And I can only PRAY that the weather will be nice. Our house is big but NOT big enough to hold THAT many people! I hope to get a bunch of tables lined up together in one big looooooonnnnngggg table and for centerpieces I will alternate between mason jars filled with flowers and mason jars with birdseed and a tea light inside. I got a chocolate fondue fountain for my birthday from my parents so that will be initiated for the party, as well. If anyone has any ideas for a fun last hurr-ah of the summer, let me know!

We always used to host OCTOBERFEST parties for the church-but someone has already taken that. Octoberfest fun-I know. I am in a whole different ballgame now!

Well, lots to do that won't get done unless I get moving!

Have a wonderful day!!!


  1. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Hey what size are the kids wearing now? I am sure some of the clothes I have in these bags the baby has outgrown by now. Let me know bc I am going to go through them again tonight and pull out anything too small. I hope there will be some stuff left that will fit them. {{{Hugs}}} ~Jen

  2. Corynn hasn't changed. She fits 2T and 3T shorts and 3T 4T shirts and dresses.

    Andrew fits into 3/6 month clothes but is starting to wear 6-9 month stuff too.

    What time should I expect you tomorrow? and don't forget any food aversions you have and/or cravings! (Besides STEAK, that is! hehehe)

  3. Hi Rebecca,

    I saw the link to your blog name over at Homeliving Helper and decided to check it out. I love the name and the subtitle that you have chosen for your site. And, your children are beautiful. They remind me of mine when they were younger.

    I'm having a "catch-up" day, today, too.

    Come on over to my blog (I'm new at bloggig), and say hello!


  4. Thank you for stopping by Elizabeth! It was so nice of you to comment! Stop by again!

  5. How cool is it that you can accomodate that many people on your lawn, huh? I look forward to seeing the pictures; I'm sure you'll do a beautiful job hosting, as always.


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