Friday, August 04, 2006

Mooove over Butter. (that is in no how related to my post, I just felt like saying it...)

Here I am, typing away at this blasted computer, when I COULD be out galavanting at a local neighborhood yard sale. But NOOOOOOOOO. We only have one vehicle, and despite it being PROMISED to me today, those selfish cows have got Matt tied in knots and the car, with him. So-instead of getting some necessary winterish items for Little Miss and Littler Mister (along with no doubt, some UNNECESSARY but ever so exciting things for the Big Mama...) I am here. I am TRYING not to be bitter. But I know, if I can't make it tomorrow either, all feeble attempts of being a 'bigger' person will be tossed out the window and I am sure I will scream. Loudly. And then, maybe whimper a little. And then feel sorry for myself.

Even a freeze pop won't help me now.

Is there such thing as yard sale addiction? I may be suffering withdrawal....

Onto bigger and better things: Last night was the Virtual Pet Show Awards at the Library. All the children had brought in pictures of their pets a few weeks ago and last night, they were being judged and awarded. The library was packed. Children of all ages and sizes were squirming in their seats, anxiously awaiting the inevitable award, since OBVIOUSLY, THEIRS was the cutest pet. I even saw a few adults, sitting a bit straighter than usual and staring a bit more intently at the speaker...

I am KICKING myself because I SHOULD have brought the video camera. I didn't because I didn't want people to think I was obsessed with my child. After all, it was just a silly pet award...but I am telling you. Corynn was the CUTEST thing EVER! When she realized awards were being given to children, I noticed a complete shift in her. She sat very straight at the edge of her seat, hope just pouring out of every sweat droplet spilled. Finally they called her name and she ever so proudly walked up to the front.

While all other kids just went up there, got their award, and then turned and headed back to their seats saying nothing at all, she had a conversation with the presenter. It went something like this...

Presenter: And this award is to Corynn Newman and her Dutchess who is OBVIOUSLY the Best Climber (we posted the picture of Corynn helping her wee puppy onto the patio because she couldn't hop up herself...) It's a dog, right?

Corynn: Ah-HUH! Yes! She is MY dog! Here is my picture! Her name is Dutchess!

Presenter: Dutchess? What a beautiful name for a dog! And such a pretty dog!

Corynn: Ah-huh (in the way only Corynn can say it...)-I was helping her onto the patio. (wrinkling her nose) She was TOO little!

Presenter: Well, weren't you such a big HELPER! How old are you again?

Corynn: I am two. My birthday is September-April 2nd. (Since Andrew's birth on April 2, she thinks her birthday is Sept.April. )

Then she walked back to her seat and gave high fives to about five 10 year old girls who always play with her after the shows.

I wish you could have seen it. I wish I could have video taped it. She was so sweet. And so cute. And so...vocal. And just SO PROUD OF HERSELF. (Yes-I am gushing.)
I guess I AM an obsessed parent... I will stop now.

That is all the useless non-sense I wish to type now. I did post a few recipes for those going into sugar overload!


  1. Yes, there is such a thing as yard sale addiction!! LOL!! Hello, my name is Paula and I am a yard sale addict. I have been a yard sale addict for *should hang head in shame, but is actually pretty proud of herself and the baragins and the money she has saved* 8 years now.

    BTW - you should be receiving a little package soon with LOTS of winter clothes for little one. I will go through what I have of winter for your big one and see what I have. Moving to HOT HOT HOT Texas and leaving wonderful beautiful weather and lots of times COLD CO, I sent you all the winter things we got for baby JJ that we would be able to use for him. I am sure I have lots of winter stuff for Corin, email me! :D

  2. I LOVE your story about Corynn and the dog awards, that is just too cute! I wish we lived closer, I would just love to meet Corynn someday, she sounds like such a little sweet heart!


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