Thursday, August 17, 2006

Now she's got it! Posted by Picasa


  1. Anonymous7:50 AM

    I enjoyed the pictures Rebecca. I read your comment about her b day party. I will talk to Rich and see what his plans are for that day. Nathan asked yesterday about Corynn and wanted to know if she loved him. LOL. Hope you have a great day! ~Jen

  2. Anonymous9:08 AM

    I hope you are into scrapbooking because you have some wonderful photos. :-)

  3. Thanks Jen! Just let me know what you think-I know it might be A LOT. Whatever your up to.

    Anne-I AM into scrapbooking. argh. Too many pictures, too little time!

    Since this blog, I have been doing it a bit less you can see I get a bit picture happy!


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