Friday, September 22, 2006


Autumn always seems a bit of a loss to me at first. Only after a proper mourning of summer can I fully move on. Enjoying Autumn for all that it is and all that it brings. So I will say goodbye to some loves but still remember...

"Summer's loss seems little dear on days like these!" ~Ernest Dowson Posted by Picasa


  1. Don't be soooo sad,
    the sun might still shine,
    and those wet cobwebs are so magical
    and just think about the time you will have on your hands when you don't need to be in the kitchen canning and potting and so on.....
    I think you can't remember what it is to sit and relax....
    Just enjoy the colourfull variety God has put in the year!
    Love from Els

  2. I LOVE that picture of you and Corynn...I am sad about summer too...but I love to wear sweatshirts and jeans...and eat Turkey and Stuffing : )

  3. Anonymous1:21 AM

    This is my first visit to your website and I'm not sure I am even supposed to comment here but I felt compelled to write to you..I stumbled upon your website by accident...and I must say I am so glad. In reading your entries & the things you do for your family & what you believe in..I almost feel like I know you already. It is refreshing to see that their are other women who actually enjoy & find it an honor to be the wife/mother that God intended us to be. In a world where there is so much ugliness...I thank you for being something good..and the things you do for your family, it is apparent to me that it is a true joy to be the wife/mother that you are.. =)
    I look forward to reading more entries in the future...Victoria

  4. That is a beautiful picture of you and Corynn! I just realized this morning as I was waking up that it's not summer I wonder if the weather will match up with the season change. God bless,

  5. You're positively right, Els. I have to relearn what it feels like to sit and relax! I DO look forward to projects OTHER than canning. I have nearly had my fill of that. :-)

    Wendy~Thanks! There are definately perks to each season-you are lucky though. You are eating for two now, so your turkey and stuffing intake can be looked at with excitement:mine, on the other hand, with dread. I love it to much to NOT take it (and lots of it) but I know what that MEANS.... :-)

    Victoria~ I am SO glad you DID comment here! Thank you for such kind words-they really made my day! It IS a joy to do what the Lord planned for us-and by our obedience we are BLESSED! Please visit me again-and comment too-so I can get to know YOU as well! :-)

    Betsy~It's freezing here! The winds they are a blowing! I am jealous of weather that doesn't show those changes. Of course...I would ALSO miss seeing snow and leaves change to vibrant reds and such. Always two sides to every story, eh? ;-)

  6. Oh, I love this photo.

    Oh, and I rejoice to see each harbinger of autumn, in spite of summer's passing. :)


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