Monday, September 11, 2006

On Saturday, while perusing a thrift store to fill up a bag for a deal, a man came by and dropped off an entire truck brimming with kid STUFF to donate. As he made his trips, I joked "Hey-to save time you can just load up MY car (he was parked next to me.) He asked me to come out to the truck to see if there was anything that I might want. I said "SERIOUSLY?" After he assured me that he was...I went out and found THIS! A REAL DESK for CORYNN! I have been WANTING one for her!!! She doesn't have to use a storage bin anymore! :-) Hurrah for generosity. And would you believe that kind man thanked ME for making HIS day?!?! Posted by Picasa


  1. I just LOVE stories like that!

  2. hurrah for giant plastic desks given freely!


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