Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Smart Ones Sleep

...but not I.


I have spent the last few hours that are supposed to be filled with precious sleep, organizing and sorting through past blog posts so as to categorize them for easy retrieval. I know. Like YOU care!! Like ANYONE cares!

I was so excited to have visited with Nancy from church this evening, and to work on crochet-that I just couldn't go to bed when she left. SO-I 'started' this HUGE task thinking I would leave off the rest for another time. But-this is me. Gung-ho to the end.

I have not categorized all of them-not even close. I wasn't ABOUT to categorize manually the plethora of photographs I have posted since I started this blog. But the somewhat interesting ones relevant to something others might like to refer to ARE categorized. I am sure the most interesting of all though, are the recipes now all conveniently located in the 'IN THE KITCHEN' category in the sidebar. You can find all the recipes I have ever posted now in ONE spot!

Now that I am CAUGHT UP...At the end of each month I will categorize that months posts.

I really HOPE that SOMEONE can benefit from this!

And now-to bed I go!


  1. hi, rebecca.

    It's me your cousin christina, I live in Georgia, just wanted to let you know that i have really enjoyed reading your blog and seeing all of the cute pictures of your kids. Thought that i would just say hi , well I got to run now. Oh and by the way, Sometimes I to haft to say up past bed time to do the things that I never get time to do for myself.


  2. Christina?!?!? I am going right over to your site right now!

  3. we care, we care, we care, we care!

    thanks especially for organizing the know my weakness for food.

  4. For a long time I thought about doing as you had done for recipes-that extra blog is SO handy! I am happy MYSELF to have them sorted through for my OWN easy access! I am thankful it was able to be done or I might have had to copy you!


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