Sunday, September 24, 2006

We got to a 'Fair'

While many people go on a VACATION during the summer (if not several...), we don't really have that option. For several reasons. So, we get what we get and we make do. It's definately a great way to learn to make the most of each day. And to be REALLY grateful for the opportunities that DO arise.

I was SO happy that we were able to attend a HarvestFest at a *very* local amusement park on Saturday. And as a FAMILY, no less. Too often it is me with the kiddos while Matt works. He is a fun guy to be around. I like him.

It was great fun for everyone. AND I got my funnel cake. And pork BBQ. And Soda. And fudge. And even a bit of a fudgie puppy! Ah-the joys of a fair.

Following is some fair footage...


  1. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Hi again...What a wonderful time you all had! It looks like you sure live in a fun place! I'm not sure what a funnel cake is, but I think I need to find out soon! =) We are in Northern California & the weather here still thinks it's summer... H-O-T!...The only bonus is that it is cooling down at night a bit. We are from Montana & I SO miss the "real" fall weather with the amber leaves & crisp air... Thank you for the response to my earlier email, I will definitely keep on posting! =) Victoria

  2. How FUN! We skipped the fair this year...but have had lots of fun there in years past!
    Victoria ~ where abouts in Northern Cal. are you from? We live in Northern Cali as well!


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