Thursday, October 05, 2006

Do you like my hat?!?!

Yesterday, while perusing the local Salvation Army (yes, I am a proud thrift store shopper!) I found this hat. Now, I am not TYPICALLY a hat person. Well, not on the outside anyway. I LOVE hates and love the idea of hats and love to idealize the beautiful hats in the days of old-but Matt doesn't generally like them on me and I hardly ever look decent in them so I rarely wear them. LOOOOOOOOONNNGGG story short-I found this hat and fell in love with it. So I got it. It is collapsable but has a metal ring on the outside so the brim stays nice. I love it.

I made this picture into black and white because I hate my skin tone-it is always so red. Anyway-the hat is beige with a burgendy flower. Posted by Picasa


  1. Rebecca, I LOVE your hat, it defenitely suits you!!
    I've got several hats, but never find an occasion to wear them.
    Years ago, my mum and I would wear a hat to church, get lots of compliments, but no-one foolowed our exemple.
    Your lovely picture made my day !!
    (it's wet here...)

  2. That is a really cute hat!

    I know what you mean, inside I am a hat person and dream of wearing really fun ones, but I always think I look like a dork in anything but a baseball cap. Even that is stretching it! hehe

  3. I like your hat too, and think that it makes your eyes really pop! That style of hat really suits you. I have never really tried on many hats, though I like the older style as well, the only hat I own is a base ball cap...worn proudly :)

  4. Rebecca,
    Love, love, love the hat! It looks as if it were just MADE for you. :o)

    Congrats on such a wonderful thrift store find!

    In His joy,
    Mrs. Wilt

  5. Hi Rebecca,
    I found your blog from Mrs. Wilt's.
    I think your hat is so cute and it looks great on you!

  6. Els~Well, if EVERYONE wore them, then it wouldn't be as special, right?

    Michelle and Wendy~You are one up on me...Matt thinks I look like a trucker when I wear a ballcap! hehehe
    Wendy~Is eye-poppage a GOOD thing?!?!

    Mrs. Wilt~ Thanks so much! I will definately be more apt to try hats on in the future now that I know that SOMETIMES they can be flattering on me!

    Kelli~Thanks so much for stopping by and for such kind words. I do hope you come again!

  7. "Do you like my hat?!?!"

    Yes, I love your hat!!!!

    Els... I'm old enough to remember when _every_ woman wore a hat to church. And I remember the fun of getting a new one, for Easter of course. But for Christmas too.


Whatdya Think?