Thursday, October 05, 2006

Girl Scouts

This is one of quite a few dresses I picked up for Corynn at the thrift store yesterday. Wednesday is half price day and so it becomes, basically, a dollar store. Most dresses end up being $1.00. I can't go every week because, though I save money by buying secondhand-I can still spend A LOT of money THERE if I am not careful. This particular store is fantastic for Corynn-I never leave empty handed for her. But it is another story entirely for Andrew. I NEVER find anything for him.

I call this dress her girl scout dress. It is brown and is supposed to be more fitted and at the knees. Right now it is a loose jumper at calf-length so she will (hopefully) be able to wear it next fall too. Two for one! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:05 AM

    I wish we had a thrift shop that did sales like that here. We have the Goodwill...two of them in the area...but they don't have anything good in the way of kids clothes. Have a good weekend! ~Jen


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