Thursday, October 19, 2006

Oh Joy!

I have the kookiest look on my face but I was right in the middle of saying "Did you SEE that?" Of course he snapped the picture in the middle of SEE! What was there to see? He dived, open mouthed into the spoon. Posted by Picasa


  1. Mmmmm... Now *tell me*. *Does* he like that cereal? Or not? -chuckle-

    Sooo cute. Both of you.

  2. I remeber when Ashley and Jessica started eating cereal. You have such a lovely family.

    Your Cousion

  3. You know, it is always exciting to have your baby eat their first bite of cereal, no matter whether it is your first or your tenth! :)

  4. He likes it-but only because he doesn't know any better! HA! :-)

    Exciting and a tinge of sad all rolled into one!


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