Saturday, October 14, 2006


Before the nighttime creatures have finished their jaunt, my little Panda awakens like clockwork. First with a whimper then, if provoked by waiting, a wail. I am not so devoted a mother to enjoy this interruption in sleep several times a night; but once, on the brim of the sun’s rise, I find great pleasure in it. The last few mornings, little Andrew has startled me with his frozen little fingers. This on the winds of Autumn and not yet having gotten to the bitter cold of winter!!! I bring him to our bed and he immediately burrows his hands underneath of me and settles in to warm himself from the inside out. After he is sufficiently filled and his body is warmed, he will snuggle in so close that the rise and fall of his belly become part of me and sometimes, he will bring his hands out from under me just to put his little arm on my arm. He is a lover of being held and I a lover of holding. I suppose that I will have to start putting two pairs of pajamas on him soon and I think that I will get to work on making him some fleece bed mits. I don’t know if he will like them very much though, as he has taken to sucking his fingers occasionally. Children don’t often see what is best for them, silly creatures. Of course, neither do we.

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Have you ever drawn pictures in your mind’s eye, of the seasons? Personified them? Last night as I listened to the winds howl, my thoughts wandered through the seasons of my mind. I imagine that Winter would be a coarse old man with a long white beard that billows like the wind. Perhaps he would carry an old worn and crooked walking stick to match the exposed limbs of the leafless trees. And like many coarse old men, he would have a glint in his eye and a soft spot in his heart-but only a small one.

To me, Autumn would be a cheerful and bubbly sort. It would most definitely be a ‘she’ and no doubt bending over an old oven to see her latest batch of warm goodness. She would have cheeks like cherries and a fantastic double chin, with a laugh as bubbly as she was round. Her disposition would be as sweet as her concoctions and her sparkling eyes and friendly smile would just call you to embrace her.

Spring would be a lovely young mother, children clutching at her long skirts flowing in the breeze. She would have a large hat with a fresh flower tucked in the cream band and she would certainly smell as sweet as she looked. She would have a mild manner and marvelous femininity about her but excitement would radiate from her eyes. And she would hum-all the time.

Summer, the days of not so long ago, I envision as a younger man. He makes his bed from the clouds and enjoys their softness so immensely, he rarely leaves them. Occasionally his anger will stir and a storm will brew, and perhaps at times he will move about stirring the winds to blow, but for the most part he lazes about in the warmth of the sun. He has brown hair to match his browned skin but has beautifully vivid green eyes. He is strong, though I know not how he came to be so...and barefooted. I am not sure why I envision Summer to be such an idle sort, since summer is often the most busy time of all for men and women-but what can I say?!? That is what I dreamt up.

* * * * * *

Back to reality now, my Oma and Opa (that is, my grandparents) are celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary at the end of this month. A God-given gift, to be united with one for so long. They want for nothing and yet, such a monumentous occasion calls for SOMETHING special. I suppose, nothing is so dear as your loved ones gathered around you, celebrating life and love; which we plan to do at the end of this month. Our family (meaning my extended family) will honor them by singing in unison Pslam 127A, their wedding psalm (and Matt’s and mine as well!). “Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain who build it.” I am also teaching Corynn a memory verse, that I hope she will recite for them at the celebration. IF she learns it well and is brave enough to be the center of attention for a moment. Isn’t it funny how children vie for your attentions but clam up when they are given it?? The verse is this…

Hear, O my son and receive my sayings; and the years of life shall be many. I have taught thee in the way of wisdom; I have led thee in right paths. When thou goest, thy steps shall not be straitened; and when thou runnest, thou shalt not stumble.
Proverbs 4:10-12

So far so good.

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I had to hop on here and say hello before the week was through. And with that, a wish that you may all have a lovely weekend.


  1. Rebecca,
    You are such a poetic writer. I just love your creative thoughts regarding the seasons. Have a joy filled day!

  2. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Your descriptions of the seasons were absolutely beautiful and so poetic. I found myself closing my eyes & envisioning each "person"...and I could see them...I think I will forever think of "them" like you described them. Thank you for that.

    Have a wonderful day


  3. Anonymous11:25 PM

    The portion you wrote about bringing your son into nurse & cozy with you made me smile.There is NOTHING like the comfort of your sweet babies skin next to yours...Those moments are peaceful and precious gifts to be treasured forever.

    Victoria =)

  4. I always picture Autumn as a whirling wildling, but maybe that's because I'M the one who's leaning over the oven with that fantastic double chin! :)

    You should make a handmade book of the seasons for your children in all of your extra time...


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