Friday, October 20, 2006


All through naptime, Corynn played in her room. Finally, she got up enough bravery and came out and was quickly shooed back into her room. I don't want to establish a precedence that when SHE is ready SHE can be done with rest, because rest time would be minutes! So, about ten minutes later I go and tell her that rest time can be over-and this is what I found. Posted by Picasa


  1. Lily is always doing this too! It is funny because children at that age think that they don't need a nap, even though they desparately do! Isn't it a blessing when they finally succomb to the lure of sleep?

  2. Oh I am so happy to hear this, from a young Mom. And I see, from another one, in the comment above.

    I always needed an afternoon rest and it was simple, when my 3 were little. {and later, when my Granddaughter was {little}, and stayed here while Mommy/Daddy worked]

    But eventually, they all get to the point where they really don't sleep. But they can always have a Rest Time. Mainly 'cause Mommy/Nana _needs_ hers! :-)

    So, they played, or colored or drew quietly in their rooms, for the hour which Mommy and then Nana needed. Simple.

    1) Children follow/appreciate consistent "rules."

    2)A Rest Time is always good.

    3) I will stop now!!!!! :-)

  3. 4) AMEN!!! :-)

    Plus-there is NOTHING wrong with encouraging a child (of any age) to quietly occupy him/herself with something for a while. In fact, I can't think of anything BUT good that could come from it!

    (And as you said-that is when I can REALLY focus my time on other things-from fun 'me' things to important things like mopping a floor that won't get stepped on while wet....


Whatdya Think?