Saturday, November 11, 2006


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  1. Hi Rebecca,
    I just love your pictures! And that you take time to put them on your blog!
    But I'm afraid, that you will never slow down..... you just think up something new everytime to keep you running.. Oh well, that's you I guess! Enjoy running 'round. (Wish I could pop over to join in the fun!)

  2. That is the cutest picture ever! I would enlage it and frame it- great job miss professional photographer! Come take pictures of my kids!

  3. So adorable!!! You take the best pictures!

  4. Great picture! I love his hat and sweater. The leaves look too perfect to be real (at least given the state of the soggy leaf piles up here...).

  5. Els~ I know, I have a problem. When I am NOT busy, I look for things to occupy my time and then, I have so MANY things I get frazzled. At least I am not bored...I guess there is an up side!

    Mandie~I WISH!

    Abby~The sogginess has made its way here too. I was so thankful we had gotten out that morning. SHortly after we came inside, that beautiful blue sky turned gray and it started to rain. And hasn't stopped since.


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