Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Date Night Saturday

Saturday night we put the children to bed promptly at 7:00 and spent the rest of the night eating deliciously awful food and drinking my favorite boozy drink (strawberry daquiris with EXTRA whipped cream) while watching The Notebook. I pulled out the sofa and addded tons of fluffy pillows and candlelight to somehow convince me were ACTUALLY having a date and not just watching a movie. It was fun. Much needed QT. Posted by Picasa


  1. This does look really romantic! How pretty- I love candles they always set a mood whether it be romantic, or homey, with the smells of baking wafting from the burning wax! :)

  2. True True. Date nights don't always have to be OUT. (In fact, that is a rarity for us, indeed.) BUt where else can you get fluffy pillows and yummy smelling candles? Not the movies, for sure! :-)

  3. It looks so pretty and romantic!! Movie theaters are always cold and uncomfortable, what a great idea to have a date night at home!

  4. What a neat idea...we'll have to try that sometime! You are so creative. :)

  5. Not creative. Just poor! :-)

  6. Oh that looks heavenly! You do very 'good work,' with Date Night ambiance, my Dear.

    And with date night 'yummmies' tooooo! (strawberry daquiris with EXTRA whipped cream) WooT!!!! :-)

  7. How romantic looking! I am sure you two had a delightful time.

  8. oooooshy goooosh.

    (How nice...)


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