Thursday, November 30, 2006

I'm the Grinch. No, I'm not. Yes...I am.

Well, back I am from my nightmarish shopping excursion. And empty handed no less. I am the world’s biggest cheapskate.


I am.

I was in Target looking at all the WONDERFUL toys that my children would love to share their room with and then I looked at the prices. Can one REALLY spend THAT much on toys?!?!

Here is the pivotal (or maybe pitiful) thing. Last year, shortly after Christmas, (do you remember exactly when Elizabeth?) my sister and I visited Target (due only to my ridiculous obsessions with nachos drowning in cheese) discovered that all the excess toys from Santa’s workshop were 75-80% off! Yes-that is right. I am ruined for life.

Now, when I see those same wonderful toys-I remember what they cost AFTER Christmas and I can’t bring myself to throw away money just for the sake of opening presents on Christmas day. The way I see it, the grandparents will be getting the children gifts that will be opened on or close to Christmas, so why must I buy things NOW when we could technically, open presents as a family the next week? Really-it is like extending the fun. Right?! Am I pathetic? I think I am. But, I still think we will be celebrating Christmas a week late this year.

I am NOT kidding.

PS-If I am a grinch, then why am I so blasted HAPPY that we received our first Christmas card today?!?!

Now-it is off to struggle through writing a Christmas card insert explaining the many changes that have taken place this year and approaching it WITHOUT sounding like a gypsy (at best) or an idiot (at worst.) Wish me luck.


  1. Just an idea: think throughout the year what you would like to give the children as a present. Keep lists, and buy when you see that it is cheaper. That way you don't need to be tempted to buy what the shops want to sell you...and I guess that when Matt finally gets a bit more time, he would love to be Santa's helper, and make some nice wooden toys (like my hubby did years ago! We've got homemade table and chairs for the kids, and a cooker, the doll bed stayed in the States..)
    And you know the dutch way? No presents at Christmas, but around the fifth of December when Sinterklaas comes from Spain to give presents to all the kids that have been good. This way we can take a bit of the commerce out of Christmas and have more time for the reason of the season, as you Americans put it.
    Even so, all the best, and ENJOY!

  2. Anonymous7:53 AM

    I have a friend that annually opens their presents on New Year's Day for the very reason of your shopping excursion. It is also because the kids receive gifts from others and it makes for less of a let down after all of that. They still have new year's day to look forward to for their own openings. Just a thought. Enjoy your day!

  3. Anonymous7:55 AM

    PS And no LUCK, it is all providence. :-) After all, we are Reformed. Every little thing is in God's control. Something to think on for the day. Enjoy!

  4. Oh, believe me Rebecca- I can relate! Now that December is upon us, it is time to scramble and pick up the kid's Christmas things, and the prices are so deterring. To get just one item these days is often 20.00 or more! Multiply that by 3 and do it a few times and look what happens :(
    I guess Grinchyness runs in the family! :)

  5. Els~ TYPICALLY, I DO buy throughout the year at super sales-but we didn't have the finances to do so-nor did we want to pack up and move a bunch of extra presents so I avoided that this year, leaving me to scramble. And I can only hope that with this new job perhaps Matt WILL have more time to make the wonderful things I know he can-for ME too! :-)

    Mrs. Bibby~Luck shmuck-just a figure of speech! I am dependent (and thankful) to know that each of our steps in life are already predestined. So, that is a lesson I think on DAILY around here.

    By the way-I really LIKE that New Years Day idea- really A LOT actually. That gives the children time to play and enjoy their new gifts from extended family and avoids the mass-greediness of the holidays. Neato.

    Elizabeth~Sooooo-do you remember when exactly we went? Was it a day after Christmas? A Week? I can't for the life of me remember.

    We started a 3 present limit from the very beginning, knowing (or at least hoping) that someday we would have more children and that we wouldn't be able to afford to live up to previous years once they started coming. But even buying three presents can be a burden. So I do feel for ya-with bigger kids come costlier things as well!


    I think what I will do is to buy one or two small things for Corynn to open up and then go after Christmas to the sales-and then buy her something 'nice'...Along with all the gifts for the coming year-including next Christmas. And THEN, I will be prepared!

  6. You crack me up. I'm a cheapskate too. Why can't children be happy with vintage pictures printed off and glued to something? LOL

  7. Hi Rebecca,
    Oh I can totally relate. I often leave for a store most determined to buy something and then I simply cannot part with that money. It is simply too hard to come by. At your childrens' ages, they won't notice if you wait a bit to buy most/some of their gifts after the Christmas rush. Blessings!

  8. Are you familiar with the 12 days of Christmas -- from Christmas to Epiphany? Since I've been married, celebrating the days between the birth of Christ and the giving of gifts by the Magi has become very important, as we simply cannot fit in everyone's celebration on one day. This might be a solution for you if you are open to it.

  9. GRINCH!

    (Just kidding. You know my miserly self.)

    By the way, what's so bad about sounding like a gypsy? I always wanted to be one...

  10. You're not the grinch, You are just like everyone else who has had a hard time this year finicial. We have had a tough year also, we have made payments on several medical bills, and we are not finished yet. But I have found that going to the Dollar tree is the best place to shop for my kids. Because for $10.00 a piece you can get 10 things that they will love. My kids love the Dollar tree as much as I do. lol! Christmas has gotten to commmercial, and it has taken the true meaning of christmas away from alot of us.


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