Thursday, November 23, 2006's a tip!

If you ever find yourself with too few flowers to make a nice arrangement (as I did when I realized my three-week-old bouquet had nearly bit the dust just in time for Thanksgiving...) do NOT despair! Here is a great tip. This is the 'desperate housewives' way to do it, mind you. But I WAS desperate. The REAL way would involve florist tape, which I did not have. Instead, I split some REGULAR tape and made a crisscross pattern over the opening. (Make sure to fill up your container with water BEFORE this process...) Then just plop a flower or two into each opening. This works especially well with short and stubby vases (or in MY case, a candy dish!) Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

  1. You have a really attractive blog and helpful idea too!

    Cathy & John


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