Thursday, November 16, 2006

Sneak Peek

...and a craft show update. TWO MORE DAYS

As you can see...I have been busy~making a mess! Yes, I admit it-I am a messy crafter. There are those that can, from the start of a project to its completion, be picture perfect. Sort of like those how-to step by step magazine pictures. Not I, said the fly. I fully admit that when I go-I GO. Which is why I love this craft room and always WILL love this craft room. And selfishly, I hope and pray that I might be able to ALWAYS have a craft room. I can't tell you how much a relief it is to shut the door and forget about that mess until my next crafting opportunity. I am excited about the things I have made-quite a few are things I have never done for a craft show before. I did several vases along with the wall-hangings and new to me also, is a mantel scarf that I am very excited about.

It is shaping up that this craft show is going to be much different than my other ones because there is far less painting and much more of everything else. I don't know why but I have not been motivated to break out the paints.

I am putting my finishing touches on my florals this morning-CLEANING up my craft room and then I am going to start on a WONDERFUL candle project that will HOPEFULLY, be an EASY and elegant filler for the table. When doing a craft show, you should cover the spectrum of prices; have a few larger ticket items but also smallish ones as people are more willing to part with $5.00 versus $50.00. I will share the candle technique as soon as I get some done. I am excited about it.

And per my sisters suggestion, I am going to do something I have never EVER done before. I am going to print out some of my photographs, mat them, and then see what happens. I highly doubt anything will sell-but I am desperate to fill up my table last minute! If something DOES sell, I might be giddy for a week. Or more. And if not-I will have some fabulous shots for my wall-something I have been WANTING to fill my wall up with for a while. I take LOTS of pictures but they are all of my children or of food. So my selection is a bit limited. A good reminder, again this year, to spread my wings as far as photo subjects go.

Lots to do and even more on my mind. Perhaps I can keep my hands busy enough to avoid the conversations of my mind.
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  1. As talented as you are in photography, I'm sure you will have people recognizing your talent EVEN if not every photograph is snatched up!
    Good luck tomorrow on your craft show- I really wish I could be there, believe me :)

    Oh, and btw, you aren't the only messy crafter in the family ;)

  2. How do you do, _all_efxmftl that you do?!?

  3. OH MY!!! I think the Word Verification, went in my comment!!! OH MY!

    It should have read...

    How do you do, _all_ that you do?!?


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