Friday, November 03, 2006

Stupor Duper

After a few days of being in a stupor, I am finally on the go-train. Today I brought in the patio furniture-and put it in our KITCHEN! Minus the umbrella of course. It is working fantabulously. You see, when Matt comes home for lunch with his dirty farm clothes, he never wants to sit on the REAL furniture. So he sits at my desk in the kitchen and I sit on the floor. Bah humbug. No longer though! I am very excited about the change! In order to fit it in, I had to move the white 'island' out. After a bit of experimenting, I came up with the idea of creating a little ensemble in the dining room. I like the looks of it. Now for all the OTHER rooms of the house! :-)

Yesterday I went shopping-and discovered tremendous savings on costumes. 80% off! I bought a TON- one for Andrew for next year, two adorable pumpkin ones for this year (I know I know-it's late...) and several more girlie ones. I am going to find and decorate a trunk and fill it with the costumes and give it to Corynn for Christmas. She is going to LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Hurray! I always get so excited when I think of something she will enjoy.

Yesterday, I finally took my Panda to the doctor and got him caught up. Much to the relief of both mothers. He had never been to the doctor since birth. Anyway-just like I already knew, he is doing very well and healthy as ever. You know what though? The doctor actually said I am doing an excellent job and should keep doing as I am. Really, I have NEVER experienced that before. Doctors always seem to want to appear like we NEED them by offering advice or changing things up. I really REALLY like this guy! Andrew weighs 18lbs 13 oz. and is 28 inches long. He got his first set of immunizations and he LAUGHED through them. Can you BELIEVE it? Either he is really tough or really dumb. hehehe DEFINATELY tough! ;-)

That is about all for me. I am trying desperately to get the house all caught up so I can focus on increasing inventory for my upcoming craft show. Never a dull moment for sure.


  1. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Oh my ...he weighs more than Lydia for sure! I think she might be close to 18 lbs though. She goes for a 15 months soon (I'll have to look exactly when) and we are hoping she can hit 20 by then so we can turn her car seat around! LOL! Good job on the costumes! I did that last year but didn't make it out this year. I may check this weekend to see if there is anything left though. I have been on a cleaning binge today too. It feels so good to have enough energy to get some things done and to actually have the motivation to do it! ~Jen

  2. "...find and decorate a trunk and fill it with the costumes and give it to Corynn for Christmas. She is going to LOVE LOVE LOVE it!"

    Oh this is such a precious idea! You have every right to get excited over coming up with something she will enjoy this much.

    As someone who wanted [and got] a girl 'first,' I think Mommys have soooo much fun, with a little girl. Enjoy every minute of it.

    Not that boys aren't fun too. We had 2, so I know. Both exasperating annnnnnnn fun... all of them. -grin-

    But in total, enjoy-enjoy-enjoy all of their childhood and growing up. It flies by, in the wink of an eye.

    Mmmmm.... Nana will get off her soapbox now. :-))))

  3. I love your idea of making a costume box for Corynn for Christmas...I just might have to use the idea for my dress-up-loving 2-year-old. :)

    Andrew is just a little younger than Kaden, isn't he? Your sentence about Andrew's first doctor visit made me laugh a little...Kaden has already had 4 well baby check ups and three sets of immunizations...but Kaden only weighed 14 lbs. at his 6 mo. appointment (he weighs more than that now), so you're certainly keeping your little guy healthy!

  4. The last time Susannah was at the doctor's was for her 2-month weighing. Something tells me that six months later, she's a wee bit heavier, and your post about the Panda has me curious!

    Corynn will love her duds, I'm sure! John's mom does the same thing and buys costumes after Hallowe'en most years, and you know how much my girls love them...

  5. I don't even want to know how much Timothy weighs now!! The last "well-baby" visit he had was at his 2m, although he did go see the dr. while we were dealing with his reflux. He is pushing the limits of his carseat!! :D

    So glad that Andrew didn't have a hard time with the shots. I think it hurts the parents more than the children.


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