Friday, November 24, 2006

You don't often see this in your front yard...

But I heard the whipping of wind and saw a storm of leaves rise up and rushed outside to see a helicopter in our yard. I rushed in to grab the camera and to wake the sleeping Rynnie Roo. I have never seen a helicopter in use THIS close before, nor have a felt the rush of wind whip my hair as its propellers beat faster and faster. But my enthusiasm was maimed knowing that such an experience only happens when someone is in dire need. Apparently, a hunter fell from a tree and is in pretty bad shape. I can only think of his family, the day after Thanksgiving, dealing with an accident that might become tragic. My prayers are lifted up for this man and his family. Posted by Picasa


  1. Anonymous8:53 PM

    I am sorry for the hunter and his family. But I am very thankful for the thoughtful and compassionate person that you are. Thanks so much for the package that arrived today. That was so very sweet of you. I was so surprised and delighted. The candles are as beautiful as I thought they would be, and the apple butter is so delicious! I ate a couple of spoonfuls and then put it on a dinner roll today. Thanks again.

  2. Mmmm yes, too close when you know... it has to be an emergency evac. :-(

  3. Great picture! How sad that it was under those circumstances.

  4. I wonder if you'll be able to hear if he was okay. I surely hope so! It is an amazing chance to get photos that you may never have been able to get, but such a sad reason! Well, hopefully all is well with him and his family!

  5. My goodness!!! That would have scared me to death to see a helicopter landing in my yard! You sure handled it calmly!! :)

    I pray that the hunter is alright. How sad!!

    Mrs. U

  6. Mrs. B~ I am only sorry that they didn't arrive before Thanksgiving. That was my goal. But I couldn't get to the post office before it closed.

    I am so glad you liked them!


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